In message <>, Norman Dunbar <> writes

Yes, OK then ... what will be the 21st Century specification of this
Linux based laptop  ?

No need to be practical, right now ... just dream what it might be .....

Well, if you put it like that, I still have no idea! However, a few
thoughts, or rambles?

MC68xxxx processor and lots of RAM.

Floating Point Unit built in - keeps George happy! ;-)

RAM disk, Floppy disc, Hard disk - a proper one, not a pseudo one like
we have at the moment.

Proper file system where the set up is like, or better then I have
documented here:
- obviously backward compatibility mode would be included, but as a
separate module.

A proper (!) windowing system, like Windows if necessary, that is easy
to use, set up and control. Resize by dragging borders (I know George
has a demo - but it should be built in).

Judging by Tony Tebby's rants against Unix, in QL Toady, I better not
mention it in any way! ;-) Not that I was going to.

Dual boot - Linux or QPC.

Networking built in as laptops etc already have. Proper Ethernet
(gigabit) and not some mash up designed by Sinclair.

Proper character sets using unicode as and where necessary, one codeset
fits all!

A decent pile of software - C and C++ compilers - I know we have an
extremely good C compiler already thanks to Dave Walker and his brother
- Assembly language of course and SuperBasic. probably doesn't need
changing for the 21st century - they got it right!

Decent sound, able to play all known codecs - MPx (if you must), Ogg,
FLAC, etc.

Video and image abilities. HTML and CSS as standard. Etc etc. You name
it, if it's already on Linux, then the QL21 should also have it!

And so on.


Nice, Norman ... keep it coming ... :-)

I hope that others can now build there ideas on this.

Or, something different again !

Malcolm Cadman
QL-Users Mailing List

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