Op Mon, 26 Jul 2010 19:49:09 +0300 schreef QL-Mylink <q...@mylink.adsl24.co.uk>:

Incidentally, some was plain text, some was gobbledegook and many were
new-page codes! The only way to stop it, I found ,was to force an error by denying paper to the muncher. Then I would reboot the local (to the
printer) machine and the printer.  It was still there. :(

It looks like W$XP had saved the print buffer before rebooting and started feeding the printer again. This is probably one of the Processes in the list of Task-Manager, but which to kill? Or it was all in the printers own buffer and not cleared by the reboot, try disconnecting the printer fron the mains for 10 minutes, that should clear its memory. Otherwise keep resetting the printer without paper until it no longer asks for any.
If it prints a normal test page after that, everthing is normal again.

PRT forever,

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