Dilwyn Jones wrote:

This is probably something you cannot do as the limits for moving
the front screen is probably hard coded in the original SuperBASIC

Rich Mellor
RWAP Services
Thanks - I was afraid that might be the case.

The nearest I came to being able to fix this was to use the extra
parameters of the WTV and WMON commands on QPC2 to move the basic
windows out of the way instead:

WTV ,32,256
WMON ,0,256

One day, I might search for '512' and '256' in the binary of QLib and
see if these can be patched if they are really hard coded....... :-(

Nearly all things in QLib's Frontend are done under SuperBASIC. There is one keyword for the Outline (necessary), built in QLib's inbuilt extension code, one to activate the pointer in a loop to detect, where the ponter is on screen for selecting the "items". All "loose items", their select/unselect colors and little borders are done under SuperBASIC. A clever little toolkit for small applications (if one knows how to use it). Other keywords (like REL_A6) seem to be used for generating the compiled code .

Perhaps the SuperBASIC pointer loop detects, if 512x256 is reached, remind the time, where QLib was written. If it is done in SuperBASIC, it would be very difficulty to find these locations. If it is done in the MC procedure for activating the pointer, it is possible....maybe.

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