On 29/01/2011 09:58, gdgqler wrote:

On 28 Jan 2011, at 22:18, Tony Firshman wrote:

My view is that Quanta is still needed and rightly so - plenty of people are 
still returning to the QL and need a source of knowledge and hand-holding, it 
is just that Quanta needs more members and particularly committee members to 
help drive it forward.
I see no point in winding up Quanta.

Of course Quanta should not be wound up. What an idea.

QL-Users Mailing List

If the future of Quanta is in legal jeopardy due to breaches of the constitution, then the constitution needs changed to reflect members needs (availability of officers).
If the constitution cannot be changed (because it's the constitution)
then Quanta needs to become "Quanta 2011", only problem I see is the transfer of funds - sure there is a way though

All the best - Bill
QL-Users Mailing List

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