Taking what has been said at face value and as a returning member of Quanta and living in the south east I am both excited and saddened by the current state of affairs, my response to each point is as follows:

1: QUANTA MAGAZINE - I would volanteer for editor but have very little experience in this matter, however I have volanteered 2: WEBSITE - same answer as above, I can certainly construct web pages so could help with that, however I do not have the experience of web site construction only content 3: SHOWS - whilst viable they should continue to be as is, but does the constitution allow for video conferencing and could it be set-up as such? 4: SOUTH EAST - I have no idea about the secretive group, but I used to quite enjoy the Essex meetings held in a pub somewhere near a forest if memory serves, I will have a go at arranging a one off in a church hall near me and see how many turn up (help anyone - Southend area?) 5: FINANCE the subscription is ridiculously low and I was surprised when paying my first one last year of how inexpensive it is, raising it to £25 seems reasaonable to me and if people stop subscribing because of it and less moneu comes in I dont see what difference it would really make in the long run, so atleast raising the subs would sort the men from the boys so to speak. 6: CONSTITUTION - I feel it should be simplified and reflect todays climate and practice.
7: SUBGROUPS - see point 4
8: KEYBOARD MEMBRANES - there are already some good ideas for projects already going on in this email/forum and should be supported, by raising the subscription then the focus can be made towards that and supporting the shortfall.

Lee Privett

Sent from my Laptop running XP
but emulating the QL using QPC2

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