From: "Tony Firshman" <t...@firshman.co.uk>
Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2011 8:00 PM
To: <ql-us...@q-v-d.com>
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] Qemulator download

pjwitte wrote, on 13/Feb/11 19:55 | Feb13:
pjwitte wrote:
Thanks Dilwyn. Did you realise your brother has now beaten you in the
Google rankings, or maybe you are an electrician in Ascot during the
week. Nice van (8-)#

This is what Google Chrome thinks of the site you site:
Warning: Something's Not Right Here!
Oops! Sorry for the massive "quote"! It was invisible to me until I
received it here in plaintext. Must be some html formatting that somehow
got included.

He he - I wonder what tinyurl would make of that one - it woudl fill its storage (8-)#

Dilwyn - what does this all mean I wonder.

You are unlikely to get a reply from Dilwyn as he is on holiday.

In Norton the electrician's site is marked as untested, but Dilwyn's is given a clear OK,

Best Wishes,


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