
>> As I thought, only George and I read my articles on QL Assembly
>> Language! ;-(
> You read your own articles? Isn't that like laughing at your own jokes? :P
But of course. Don't you know that's one way to double my readers! Plus,
I get to find all sorts of mistakes that I didn't see when I proof read
it! :-(

> I have never seen a typo in QL Today. But then, the headline on my last copy
> was "Q60 released!" 
There are a few - usually in my own articles. I'm good at "whihc" and
"clinet" these days!

> QL Today and Quanta are both in the modern struggle to
> stay relevant when the internet is a more immediate information source.
Maybe. Maybe not. I read plenty of magazines as part of my work life -
Linux and Oracle for example - I also use the internet, but much prefer
to read paper based magazines. Especially in the bath!

> They
> can't get by just by providing "news" any more. Quanta does have the
> advantage of being a club and having many other services.
QL Today isn't just a news magazine. There are many interesting
articles, sometimes even about off topic subjects that may "just" be
relevant, albeit remotely, to QL users.

> I'd start by putting every past issue of their magazines on their respective
> websites in a password protected area, and publish the password in the
> current magazine.
Someone scanned in one issue recently - check the list archives - and it
came to around 50MB for a text searchable pdf. That was during a long
run of emails on "why can't we get a pdf copy of QL Today?" - which has
been covered here, in the magazine and I suspect, there's more to come
in the next issue!

> Also, how about an annual "award ceremony" for best new h/w, software,
> utility, lifetime achievement awards - so we can all pat ourselves on the
> back? *grins* Heck, I might even go to England for that.
We can't do that without a snappy name, like the Oscars for example.


Norman Dunbar
Dunbar IT Consultants Ltd

Registered address:
Thorpe House
61 Richardshaw Lane
West Yorkshire
United Kingdom
LS28 7EL

Company Number: 05132767
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