On 04/06/2011 10:02, SIMON BALDERSON wrote:

Did anyone see this report this morning on "Click"?  Looks like it runs Linux 
and is designed to be very cheap and aimed at teaching children to program.  It'd be 
great if it came bundled with SBASIC/SMSQ/E.
The designer has previously worked on the ZX Spectrum amongst other early 80's computers. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/click_online/default.stm
QL-Users Mailing List
What an initiative!  See RaspberryPi.org.   The spec is

     Provisional specification

   * 700MHz ARM11
   * 256MB of SDRAM
   * OpenGL ES 2.0
   * 1080p30 H.264 high-profile decode
   * Composite and HDMI video output
   * USB 2.0
   * SD/MMC/SDIO memory card slot
   * General-purpose I/O
   * Open software (Ubuntu, Iceweasel, KOffice, Python)

With a SD card slot and all for about a tenner. Who is going to get on to them about bundling SBASIC/SMSQ/E. I haven't enough knowledge. Could this perhaps provide a cheaper route to SD card on the QL?

Bryan Horstmann
QL-Users Mailing List

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