Rich Mellor wrote:
> That is a very interesting  interface on the top (is it a 
> QTalk module ?).  Yours also has a fan fitted which is 
> missing from mine.
Yes that's the QTALK module.
What may look like a fan is a loudspeaker.

> On my QXT - the SuperQBoard is in the top slot of the 
> expansion bus, and nothing between that and the QL, so that 
> may be a good starting point.
I will check the machine the next time I'm in my "Retro Lab".

> The SPEM keyboard interface is also interesting - would be 
> nice to get some photos of this for the QL WIki - does it 
> plug into the ROM port?
This has already been answered by a ql-user.

> The QL motherboard itself is unmodified, so I have no idea 
> what that spare wire is for !
Are you sure the QL pcb needs to be/stay unmodified?

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