From: Norman Dunbar <nor...@dunbar-it.co.uk>
To: ql-users@lists.q-v-d.com 
Sent: Wednesday, 7 March 2012, 10:38
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] RaspberryPi

Morning all,

eRant warning .....

On 06/03/12 22:15, Martin Wheatley wrote:
> There is a very good article about Raspberry Pi in the new edition
> of PC Pro Next time you are in W H Smith have a browse
No, no, no, no and again, no!

Next time you are in WH Smiths, don't stand in front of the magazine rack 
reading the damned things, either buy one and get out of the way or just get 
out of the way. It's a shop - you buy stuff - not a library - you borrow stuff.

eRant over! ;-)

I don't mind people having a quick look through - that's what I do to see if an 
article justifies the cost - but I object to people getting a free read and 
then leaving a "second hand" magazine for someone else to pay full price for. 
It's bloody dishonest in my opinion. I'd go so far as to say that it's almost 
like theft.

I hate going in to WH Smiths to get a comic (Linux, Electronics, Science etc) 
because I can't get near the racks for a crowd of cheap skates reading the 
magazines in the aisles. Bloody irritating.

My wife used to work in WH Smiths on a Saturday and her job was to wander 
around the store telling people to stop reading the magazines and either buy 
one or foff!

Durham WH Smiths in the market place used to be terrible for that, on a 
Saturday morning there would be rows of people reading the magazines(probably 
while their other half was doing the shopping) Very annoying, I don't buy 
magazines at all now apart from the odd mini or classic car one. I remember my 
mate stating loudly "It's like a BLOODY library in here, cheapskates!" and he 
got some right mucky glares.
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