On 07/03/2012 11:49, Dilwyn Jones wrote:
I don't mind people having a quick look through - that's what I do to see if an article justifies the cost - but I object to people getting a free read and then leaving a "second hand" magazine for someone else to pay full price for. It's bloody dishonest in my opinion. I'd go so far as to say that it's almost like theft.

I hate going in to WH Smiths to get a comic (Linux, Electronics, Science etc) because I can't get near the racks for a crowd of cheap skates reading the magazines in the aisles. Bloody irritating.

My wife used to work in WH Smiths on a Saturday and her job was to wander around the store telling people to stop reading the magazines and either buy one or foff!

OK, Norman's eRant might be over, but here's mine (a dRant?).

You think there's no copy of a mag left then further down the store you find it in the wrong place - why is it that when customers decide they don't want to buy something after all they just leave it where they're stood rather than put it back where they got it. Must cost shops a staff member or three just to go around picking the items up and putting them back in the right place.

And the hassle inside the store only came after wading through Big Issue sellers, loud buskers (who of course always have a smelly dog or three), charity collectors and TalkTalk high pressure salespeople. Throw in a few aggressive "switch your energy supplier" salesmen and that's Bangor High Street on a saturday morning...WH Smith doesn't stand a chance!

Any more, anyone?

And they wonder why nobody uses High Street shops nowadays.



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While we are still off topic and in defence of the buying public - it would be nice if W H Smith did not restock with last months issues just as the next months come out ( Deja Vu reading of an evening ) and I did have a sneaking admiration for the woman I saw shaking out all the unwanted fodder from a magazine over the counter before she purchased - you could say she blew WH a Rasberry -whew back on subjest
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