On 20 July 2015 at 22:44, Marcel Kilgus <ql-us...@mail.kilgus.net> wrote:
> Michael Grunditz wrote:
>> So somewhere in the loading process it crashes. If I break with the
>> hatari debugger and disassemble I end up in a loop that doesn't end.
>> I have no idea where the loop is in the source tree.
> There are multiple ways to find this, pretty much all involve noting
> a few bytes of code and looking them up in your binary. There you can
> work out in which module they are and then have a look in the sources
> for the module.
> But from your description I'm pretty sure that the loop you're looking
> at is not your problem but just a symptom. In many cases the error is
> fairly trivial but debugging this stuff is _hard_.

Figured out that it is rather a symptom..

> I can probably provide the Atari QMON kernel debugger module, but
> getting it to work might of course be a quest in itself (communication
> is done through a serial port).

This might be a good idea. Does it need input to work or can it be
configured to perhaps break when something fails?

If the serial init works, is it possible to send information to the
serial port directly (printouts ) and in that case is there some
functions to do this?
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