Your approach is commendable as an option for those who dont load a Turbo
toolkit by default, but for the rest of us it doesnt do much good.
Presumably, the REM version is based on the generic version which is
somewhat less optimal under SMSQ/E? And Turbo-compiled tasks will use the
incorporated keywords rather than those loaded into the machine at boot?
Thus the high-end user will end up with 7k of belt-and-braces bloat running
at less than optimal speed. I guess in the scheme of things its not going
to make much real difference, but I thought it was worth pointing out that
my comment was not just a thoughtless blurt.

On 19 August 2017 at 09:13, George Gwilt via Ql-Users <> wrote:

> > On 18 Aug 2017, at 17:38, Per Witte via Ql-Users <
>> wrote:
> >
> > George, the question is relevant if you write programs intended for other
> > people: You cant be sure THEY will load Turbo. However, IMHO, any serious
> > Tinkerer should load Turbo as a matter of course.
> I would usually expect to compile any programs before releasing them to
> the general public. In that case TURBO_TK_REM would have been added.
> George
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