At 03:29 ìì 03/12/2001, you wrote:
>I found the site to run rather slow on my SGI R5K Indy with Netscape 3.01S.
>  The javascript was really slow to run.
>Personally I will not create a web site with either Java, Javascript, 
>Flash, or
>other fluff.  I prefer plain html.  Granted I won't write any e-commerce 
>but too many regular web pages use this fluff stuff to make it look better at
>the sacrafice of it working well on a number of browsers.  I wish I could send
>a missle the way of each webmaster that says "update to the latest X brower to
>see our page".
>Tim Swenson

I have to disagree partially with you Timothy. The fact that something 
works as is doesn't mean it cannot be improved. If the latter was true, 
then we would be still driving around Ford T's and watching black and white 
silent movies instead of HDTV.
Yes it is a given in the case of QLers that we don't even have a functional 
browser yet (except Lynx under uQLx) but that also means that the average 
QLer with internet access usually has a Windoze machine. Nothing I put on 
the page does not work with any popular browser... as a matter of fact, my 
pages are constantly checked once published with Netscape 3.x and above, 
IExploder 3.0 and above, Opera and even through BeOs with NetPositive (and 
of course with Netscape, IE, Gnome  and KBrowser through Red Hat Linux and 
the regular Netscape and IE on a Mac. Everything works. :-)
Compatibility should be considered yes... but I covered this already :-)


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