At 06:12 ìì 03/12/2001, you wrote:
>At 03:29 ìì 03/12/2001, you wrote:
>>I found the site to run rather slow on my SGI R5K Indy with Netscape 3.01S.
>>  The javascript was really slow to run.
>>Personally I will not create a web site with either Java, Javascript, 
>>Flash, or
>>other fluff.  I prefer plain html.  Granted I won't write any e-commerce 
>>but too many regular web pages use this fluff stuff to make it look better at
>>the sacrafice of it working well on a number of browsers.  I wish I could 
>>a missle the way of each webmaster that says "update to the latest X 
>>brower to
>>see our page".
>>Tim Swenson
>I have to disagree partially with you Timothy. The fact that something 
>works as is doesn't mean it cannot be improved. If the latter was true, 
>then we would be still driving around Ford T's and watching black and 
>white silent movies instead of HDTV.
>Yes it is a given in the case of QLers that we don't even have a 
>functional browser yet (except Lynx under uQLx) but that also means that 
>the average QLer with internet access usually has a Windoze machine. 
>Nothing I put on the page does not work with any popular browser... as a 
>matter of fact, my pages are constantly checked once published with 
>Netscape 3.x and above, IExploder 3.0 and above, Opera and even through 
>BeOs with NetPositive (and of course with Netscape, IE, Gnome  and 
>KBrowser through Red Hat Linux and the regular Netscape and IE on a Mac. 
>Everything works. :-)
>Compatibility should be considered yes... but I covered this already :-)

Oh and something else... I of course am not responsible for the javascript 
code that is automatically added on top of my webpage by the space 
provider... this will soon end of course once I move it to my own domain.

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