On Sun, May 19, 2002 at 07:50:06AM +0100, Dexter wrote:

> If I end up handling hardware sales, would I have to become an SMSQ 
> reseller? I'm not qualified. But if the resellers declined to offer the 
> ZYXABC version of SMSQ (as they have done with the Qx0) I would have no 
> choice but to find someone who can do it, and add those support costs to 
> the cost of the product. Notwithstanding that I would have to keep 
> requesting and paying for current sources just to stay in tune.

unfortunately your inconvenience is only the smaller problem. The 
bigger one - what happens if you are fed up and go out of business? 
There are perhaps 100s of users with your hardware without any reseller, 
so to get SMSQ updates they would have to become their own resellers.
Of course people will be wary to buy your HW in first place unless 
they know for sure they will not be locked out like that.

Surely this is not the intention of the license?


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