>I agree entirely with Bill, having spent many thousands of pounds
>running several businesses with QLs and SMSQ/E, including Q40. We
>stopped because of the lack of development keeping pace with the
>market. I was delighted when SMSQ/E was made open source, and
>looked forward to a revival in QL fortunes, alas, this is not so,
>its not to be open source, which is more to do with vested
>interests trying to 'grab the ball', than with what will be best
>for QL users,
Not true really. The source is open. You can get it and read it and 
change it. All we are trying to do is to ensure that released version 
have been properly tested, are stable and will work with existing 
software as best we can. This is in the interests of QL users I feel.
>and th QL. I may say that if TT had provided the
>support promised to Qubide, Q40 and SMSQ/E, we may have still
>been running 8 QLs full time, and spending a goodly sum each year
>with traders, to TTs benefit.
I don't really see what TT had to do with the Qubide but the rumours 
about what was about to appear  spread very fast.
>I, as a user, only see that TT at
>last has given access to code, that is long overdue( never mind
>copyrights, what about my rights, I have paid good money on the
>promise of continuing development. I feel badly treated in this.)
Why so ? There was continued development for a long time. The user base 
has fallen a lot and TT can no longer afford to support it. To be 
truthful the remaining traders can no longer afford to support it but we 
do because we have made many friends over the years and won't be letting 
them down.
>and should have happened years ago. Now the pack are fighting
>over the bones. At the end of the day it is we users who decide
>to continue with support for the QL, or  to go elsewhere and let
>the predators starve to death.
I don't think any one is being a predator here. There is no money being 
made on SMSQ/E.
>Whats wrong with the Linux setup, it works.  SMSQ would work as
>well, even if there were a couple of versions, that at least adds
>competition to differant systems and leads to healthy
See my previous comments on that. We are too small a community and have 
too few software writers for different flavours of SMSQ/E to co-exist. 
If we have some things that will only run on one version and some that 
will only run on another we will lose the few users we have left.

Roy Wood
Q Branch, 20 Locks Hill Portslade. Sussex. BN41 2LB. UK
Tel : +44 (0)1273 386030 Fax : +44 (0)1273 430501 (New number!)
Mobile +44(0)7836 745501
Web : www.qbranch.demon.co.uk

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