> 1,  QMOSAIC - I think this was a UNIX port, and a bit buggy.
Available in
> the freeware libraries (Dilwyn?) and probaby the QUANTA library.
Yes, my disk GE62. That is version 0.80a, described as SMSQ/E
compatible. Q-Mosaic is by FTS Software in Italy.

> 2. LYNX - A text only HTML browser ported by Jonathan Hudson from
> unix/linux sources. Available from his Website (follow the link from
> Dilwyn's Page) This could even run from a disk on gold card systems
if I
> recall, and was basic but worked. This is probably your best bet,
but it is
> pretty big I think.
www.daria.co.uk - as you say, a bit big and large numbers of files and
directories, though there is the cut-down Tim Swenson version with
just what you need to get going. Both are text only browsers IIRC.

> 3. HYPERBROWSER - What norman was talking about, by Tarquin Mills. I
> know if this was ever finished (tarquin?)
Not fully finished, but worked reasonably well, only trouble was you
had to register it I think, though I'm not sure of the early demo
versions allowed any useability. It had the facility to use Photon to
view graphics by clicking on the link or filename of the graphic IIRC.

> 4. DOC2HTML - A useful utility that converts quill doc's to HTML -
> by Dilwyn Jones and available on his web page.
Not a browser though - just lets you use Quill to create HTML pages
with some extra features like links and so on. There's also Roy's HTML
Machine for creating tags in just about any text editor as long as PE
is there (needs stuffer buffer)

> There is always the Prowess reader, but as you said, not all people
> running prowess.
Irrespective of how good Prowess is (and it is good) it takes a while
to get used to and get the best out of it. Slight lack of time in the
Dilwyn household which is why the Q60 under the desk isn't yet as used
as it ought to be! Back to my soapbox...I WANT SOQL!!!

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