Hi Phoebus,

It may look as though I can figure out Assembly, but it could just mean I'm
just a good b*llsh*tt*r !!

I actually had to work at a customer site in Munich a while back (BMW Bank)
and I had great fun on a German version of Windows with a German keyboard.
All the keys are in the 'wrong' places - and I didn't have a clue about what
the menus in our application said - I just picked out the entry that was
positioned where the one I wanted should have been - and hoped :o)

I took French at school - and I'm even worse at that !


Norman Dunbar
Database/Unix administrator
Lynx Financial Systems Ltd.
Tel: 0113 289 6265
Fax: 0113 289 3146
URL: http://www.Lynx-FS.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Phoebus Dokos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 3:13 PM
Subject: Re: RE: [ql-users] WMAN progress

??? 20/11/2002 8:46:43 ??, ?/? Norman Dunbar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Looks very nice Marcel - shame the text is all in German though :o)

Hmmm Norman,
since you can figure out Assembly, surely you can figure out what 'Kopiere'
and 'Starte' 
mean ;-)


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