Την 20/12/2002 2:45:02 μμ, ο/η Malcolm Cadman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

>In article <009d01c2a821$6a66bbe0$2201a8c0@pc119>, Darren Branagh
>>Dilwyn always underestimates what a truly gifted QL programmer he is.
>Yes, he has the 'knack' of doing programs that are both interesting and
>useful to a wide range of people and needs.
>>All I can say is, if you like Q-Trans, wait until you see Launchpad.
>I am sure it will be worthwhile :-)

There is a screenshot on one of the last 3 QLTs (I forget which one now)... it's 
easy to pass it over but pay attention and you will be amazed...

With apologies to Jim, but I am always in favour of doing things in the simplest 
possible way and Launchpad looks more like what I had in mind for a GUI...
(Not that I won't use QDT when it is released... I am waiting for it impatiently)

>If anyone on this list hasn't got QTrans - why not ? - then get it now !
>You will soon wonder how you ever managed without it.
>>It comes with a free additional game called decimal Invaders. I have wasted
>>DAYS playing this damn thing, its addictive as hell!!
>... oh no !!

Oh goody :-) If it's anything like his snake (which I managed to make even harder 
;-) my wife is going to lose me for a couple of months again :-)

>Malcolm Cadman

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