On Mon, 21 Jul 2003 18:03:06 +0100, Tony Firshman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Mon, 21 Jul 2003 at 14:45:44, Norman Dunbar wrote: (ref: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)

, the food and wine is fabulous - and cheap !

Cheap! Have you lost your mind Man????

It's at least 4 times as expensive now than it was before the introduction of the Euro... I almost cried this year when I went back home! It is ACTUALLY cheaper now to go grocery shopping in the USA!

The drivers leave a lot to be desired though,

You're telling me? Hehe but many of these bad drivers (especially in Crete) are drunk Brits ;-)
(That was half joke, half true by the way). Greek drivers are notoriously idiotic and have NO REGARD for safety whatsoever. I could never stand them (even before I left Greece) and now it's even worse... the funny part is that Pennsylvania (where I live is worse than Greece in crashes and fatalities but in every case some things you just don't do!) (ie having kids without a seat belt jumping up and down...

Easy - download and install updated drivers (8-)#

Hmm how about downloading a new population? It needs it badly :-)
As I always told my wife... Greece is the country of the Gods and the most beautiful country in the world... pity about the Greeks though ;-)

Phoebus Dokos - Undergrad in MIS
Eberly College of Business - Indiana U. of PA

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