> Simon Goodwin mentioned in the last QL Today that there are plenty of
> compatible printers out there, as Linux faces a similar problem

Either this was not in QL Today or I really have missed something here.

> - however, I checked the link to the website he mentions
> (_www.linuxprinting.org_ (http://www.linuxprinting.org) ) and cannot
> find any information on compatible printers - just details of a
> Windows like printer driver written for Linux... (now could this be
> converted to the QL??)

These drivers are integrated into Ghostscript, which needs Postscript as
an input (yes, that old saga).

Probably one could write a different frontend for the drivers, but I
don't know how difficult that would be (my gut says that I shouldn't
touch that task with a 10ft long pole). And even then you still need to
a) alter existing applications according to the new interface or b)
provide a virtual Epson printer or whatever.

> My theory (where are PROGS when you need them) is that the drivers
> actually already exist in the main on the QL - in the form of ProWeSs
> drivers.

ProForma (which really was much ahead of its time) features some drivers
but the last one was written ages ago and therefore it will probably
have the same problems with current printers.


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