QMT-ISO 1.3.1 has been released. The biggest change was to include the latest CentOS packages, but there are a few other bug fixes and enhancements included as well. Hope you don't mind Pakogah, but I've been using your QMT-ISO wiki page (http://wiki.qmailtoaster.com/index.php/QMT-ISO_Manual_Guide) as a place to see where improvements needs to be made and where to add features.
Anyway, here's the highlights from the changelog:

version 1.3.1 - 09/21/2007
       Added script to install webmin-1.350-1 from RPMFIND
       Added a colorized multitail.conf
       Added cwatchall to watch all mail logs in color
       Added updated packages for CentOS and QMT, also trimmed
        the packages some and made the ISO about 7M smaller
       Changed the time servers to my time servers for initial
        sync and turned ntpd on at boot-up
Fixed the DomainKeys issue since the link has not been removed in the packages yet - we now do it the hard way
       Fixed bug with firewall not being loaded
       Updated installation so that it does not download QTP
        unless there is a network connection/new version
       Added scripts to change hostname and set DNS servers
       Fixed typo with the advanced kickstart file that caused it
        to not load.
       Fixed multitail to stop giving errors about maillog

I was only able to test the install on 1 machine and mainly only some of the new features - my other 2 devel machines are tied up in another project at the moment, so let me know if you have any issues with it.

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