Hi Thomas,

>> As an example, my infodesk.ui.user.Preferences (line 67) looks like this:
>> <code>
>>   this.setLayout(new qx.ui.layout.VBox(5).set({alignX : "center"}));
>> </code>
> Now wait, this is serious. You are using a proper class here, namely
> qx.ui.layout.VBox. If this triggers the warning "unknown symbol:
> qx.ui.layout" this would be a flaw in the generator. - I thought you would
> be using "bare" package names in your code, like
>   if(qx.ui.layout){...}

No, I don't use any of those "bare" package names. All instantiations or calls
to static members are fully qualified names!

> (some people have code of this kind, but usually referring to their own
> package names). In such a case a warning about qx.ui.layout would be ok.
> When you do not use package names in this way, then we would have to look
> at the issue again. Maybe the most important question then to ask would
> be: If such suspicious warnings show up during the generation, does the
> generated application run? Without flaws?

The application code I've saved, seems to work, although I can not say how
flawless in detail. After a quick check I would say it "seems" that the
application runs without flaws. I would expect something serious when
"qx.ui.layout" would be missing ;)
As soon as I encounter the issue again, I will take a closer look at the
"working-state" of the application.

What I can say to shed some light onto the problem is:
Once the "Unknown global symbol referenced..." issue comes up, the generator
keeps complaining about that. Until I run a "generate distclean".

> T.


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