>> Hi Thomas,
> [...]
>> b) Every "generate source" complains about some 'qx.ui.layout...' or similar
>>    unknown symbol reference.
>>    (In this special case it was "qx.ui.layout" and "qx.ui.form")
> Ok, I take "or similar" to mean "other packages names" (all-lower-caps
> names that do not end in a (capitalized) class name), just as
> qx.ui.layout and qx.ui.form.


>> c) When I add a line of code that is creating another new instance of a
>>    qooxdoo-class (which has been used in the module already) the complaining
>>    stops.
>>    (Is the re-build of the dependency-tree triggered by the 'new' keyword?)
> Well, it is triggered whenever the corresponding class code might have
> changed, so a simple 'touch' on the class file will do that for you, you
> don't need to actually change the code :).

I have to say: No! A simple 'touch' doesn't change anything -- The generator
even continues to complain about this issue when I add several lines of code!!!

> Once this has been done, the cached information is used until another
> change of the time stamp of the class file is detected. This also
> explains why the complain is recurring: Once the fake dependency slips
> in, it is cached and the information is re-iterated with every build run.

See my notes above. The generator keeps using the corrupted cache _even_ when I
change a whole bunch of files!
Only the *new* keyword seems to change this (Note the 'seems' in that sentence
;) I am not 100% sure if this is really the trigger for re-creating the cache)

But let's wait for my further analysis (your recommendation below). Due to the
fact that I am not able to put 100% of my time into this issue, some deeper
analysis might take a while...

> What you could do once the issue re-appears: Without clearing the cache,
> or modifying the class file, modify the configuration of the 'source'
> job. In your config.json, add a source-script job like this to the
> "jobs" section:
>   "source-script" : {
>       "log" : { "dependencies" : { "type" : "using" }}
>   }
> Capture the output of the 'generate.py source' run in a file and search
> for the application classes that have the warnings, e.g. look for
> entries like this:
>   - Class: infodesk.ui.info.WinAbout
>     - Uses ...
>     ...
> Post these sections for the affected classes here on the list.

I will do that as soon as I see this issue re-occurs.


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