Hi Thomas,

I came across the issue again and can give some more information:

a) The generated script works "flawlessly". The generated script only differs
   in the qx.$$translations map (I've expected that ;) )

b) Every "generate source" complains about some 'qx.ui.layout...' or similar
   unknown symbol reference.
   (In this special case it was "qx.ui.layout" and "qx.ui.form")

c) When I add a line of code that is creating another new instance of a
   qooxdoo-class (which has been used in the module already) the complaining
   (Is the re-build of the dependency-tree triggered by the 'new' keyword?)
   I have not tested if *any* 'new' does the same (e.g. 'var d = new Date();')
   but I will as soon as I come across the issue again.

Hope it helps,

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