On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 03:55:33PM -0500, Jared Johnson wrote:
> You might want to consider the multiple-addresses/ports thing to be 
> significant enough to warrant an early release; I noticed a bit ago that 
> the stock debian package had switched to prefork, but had to revert back 
> to forkserver because of the regression on that issue.  Food for thought.
> Of course, someone could also just advice the debian maintainer to apply 
> that patch to the debian package :)

I'm the Debian maintainer.  :)  Defaulting to prefork was an accident, and I
fixed it the following morning (and then went off to add multi-interface
support).  When prefork is commandline-compatible I'll add it as a
debconf-selected option; the change is sitting in my svn repo ready to go.  If
the next release drags out too long I'll patch & upload, or release from git,
but with Debian in an unstable cycle I'm content to wait a bit.

Devin  \ aqua(at)devin.com, IRC:Requiem; http://www.devin.com
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