On 19/10/2009, at 14:46, Simon Urbanek wrote:

Dear Mac users,

please consider testing R 2.10.0 beta *before* the release. First, we have now an automated installer generator system for Leopard and Snow Leopard (incl. 64-bit R), so it will be useful to test that it works as desired and second there was one very fundamental change in the GUI (not necessarily visible for the user but it makes sure any new debugging/browser support in R is passed into the GUI) so we want to make sure *before* the release that any issues are ironed out -- but we can only do that with your feedback.

Running the 32 bit R.app GUI.

I start out with my Home directory as working directory.
I do a Change Working Directory to: /Users/berendhasselman/Documents/ Programming/R/NonLinearEq.Test/nleq.test/nslv

Then do an Open Document... (Cmd+O) or a Source File... (Shift+Cmd+O).
The open file dialog doesn't start in the current working directory  but
in /Users/berendhasselman/Documents/Programming/R/NonLinearEq.Test.

After navigating to the working directory and opening a file, and then doing another open file the open dialog hasn't remembered the previous directory. I have to navigate to the desired directory all over again.

I can't remember if this also happened with R2.9.2. Sorry about that.


sessionInfo() gives

R version 2.10.0 RC (2009-10-20 r50178)

[1] en_GB.UTF-8/en_GB.UTF-8/C/C/en_GB.UTF-8/en_GB.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base

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