Hi Nic,

It's not a problem with the branch lengths, at least not the non-ultrametricity 
of the tree. It's probably that the lower bound on the exponential change 
parameter is too low, resulting in a singular phylogenetic variance covariance 
matrix. Try changing the lower bound as follows:

eb.fit <- fitContinuous(phy, data, model  ="EB", bounds = list(a=c(X, 0))) # 
where X is the lower bound you chose.

You can compute an appropriate value for X if you're willing to choose a 
minimum rate for the end of the EB process. In this case, the lower bound would 
be log(min.rate) / T where T is the depth of your tree and min.rate is the 
ending rate. I've found a value of 10^-5 is reasonable in most cases.

Graham Slater
Peter Buck Post-Doctoral Fellow
Department of Paleobiology
National Museum of Natural History
The Smithsonian Institution [NHB, MRC 121]
P.O. Box 37012
Washington DC 20013-7012


On Nov 4, 2012, at 11:59 AM, Nicolas Campione wrote:

> Dear R Phylo List,
> I'm trying to test an Early Burst model of evolution against a tree using the 
> 'fitContinuous' function in 'geiger'. However, I get the following error 
> message, and am unsure as to what I can do to fix this:
>> fitContinuous(tree,trait,model="EB")
> Fitting  EB model:
> Error in solve.default(phyvcv) :
>  Lapack routine dgesv: system is exactly singular: U[4,4] = 0
> My tree is based on fossil taxa and my branch lengths are calculated using 
> time (in millions of years). I seem to be able to test every other model, 
> only EB is giving me troubles. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with 
> the branch lengths, cause if I used other measures, such as all=1 or grafen, 
> I don't get an error.
> Has anybody had this issue before?
> Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
> Cheers,
> -Nic-
> ----
> Nicolás E. Campione
> M.Sc., Ph.D. Candidate
> Dept. Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
> University of Toronto
> 25 Wilcocks St.
> Toronto, ON
> Canada M5S 3B2
> Royal Ontario Museum
> 100 Queen's Park
> Toronto, ON
> Canada M5S 2C6
> Office: 416-586-5591
> Email: nicolas.campi...@mail.utoronto.ca
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