Jens Axel Søgaard wrote on 2/4/19 3:38 PM:
(define (html-flash-card)
  ; style: "border:1px solid black"
  @div[class: "col-md-6" ]{
    @div[id: "flash-card-content"]{
      @div[id: "flash-card-question-container"]{
@div[id: "flash-card-question"]{
@h2{Flash Card}
@p{The name of the mathematical exponentiation operator?}
          @p{ $$ c = \sqrt{a^2+b^2} $$}}}

This example looks good, and I like the at-reader.  An alternative, for people who love parentheses, and want some to optimize a little more for static parts at compile time, here's an approximate (untested) way using `html-template`:

(define (example-html-flash-card-1)
    (div (@ (class "col-md-6"))
         (div (@ (id "flash-card-content"))
              (div (@ (id "flash-card-question-container"))
                   (div (@ (id "flash-card-question"))
                        (h2 "Example Flash Card")
                        (p "The name of the mathematical exponentiation operator?")
                        (p (% $$ c = \sqrt{a^2+b^2} $$))))
              (%write (html-answer-box))))))

Or, another way to use `html-template` is to define your own application-specific syntax forms that expand to it.  So, if you're doing flashcards, you might define `flash-card` syntax that you can use like:

   #:title "Example Flash Card"
   (p "The name of the mathematical exponentiation operator?")
   (p (math "c = \sqrt{a^2+b^2}")))

See ""; for an example of what happens at compile time (specifically, syntax transformation time).  It uses only Racket port-writing, and can be combined with other port-writing procedures -- it uses no special Racket buffer management, nor opportunities with any HTTP server/fronting, nor lower-level OS facilities

(Sorry the code of `html-template` itself is more scary than it now has to be.  I've done some unreleased work atop this package, for an unfunded startup, but no more work on this package itself.)

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