Hello, I am very new to programming and up until this point I had only 
seriously messed with the AutoIt language - it was easy to search and find 
out how to do things as their forums were quite active and already 
possessed a wealth of data that any determined person could get by on with 
just search alone and never needing to actively post. I built myself an 
entire program in this fashion, learning as I went. I decided I wanted to 
learn how to do this in a "real" full-blown language (tho you could easily 
argue that AutoIt is a full language now). I've decided that I love the 
idea of Lisp and Racket in particular but I am hitting roadblocks to that 
goal as the search functionality and community just isn't near the level of 
AutoIt. So here I am, actually posting in the only place it appears I can..

I am trying to make use of (get-directory) which pops up a GUI prompt 
asking a user to select a directory..

Here is my code which works..

#lang racket/gui
(require racket/class)
(define gds-main
  (new frame%
       [label "GD Switcher"]
       [width 250]
       [height 300]
       [style '(no-resize-border)]))
(define panel-1
  (new vertical-panel%
       [parent gds-main]
       [style '(border)]
       [alignment '(center center)]))
(new choice%
     [parent panel-1]
     [label #f]
     [choices '("Forgotten Gods"
                "Ashes of Malmouth"
                "Vanilla Ice Cream")])
(send gds-main center 'both)
(send gds-main show #t)

..if I just use get directory as-is but if I try

(get-directory [message "Select a folder.."])

in any combination, and I've tried so many, it only ever gives me back the 

message: unbound identifier in: message

What am I missing, how do I make this work?

Thank you in advance for any insight.

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