> On Nov 21, 2019, at 11:21, James Platt <j...@biomantica.com> wrote:
> If we can direct more of the energy of this community into, not just 
> improving the documentation, but the way we do documentation, it would be a 
> major improvement.  Requiring lots of parentheses doesn't bother me.  Lack of 
> infix notation doesn't bother me.  Lack of documentation does.

Every so often I see this sentiment expressed, and I’ll be entirely honest: I 
find it very surprising! I don’t at all want to suggest your experiences are 
untrue, or that they’re somehow your fault or not worth fixing, but they’re so 
contrary to my own that I must be missing something. I would go so far as to 
say that my experience with Racket’s documentation is far and away the best of 
every programming language I have ever used, even without adjusting for its 
comparatively small community.

I will concede that racket/draw and racket/gui are particularly sparse in the 
way of inline examples—perhaps something about the amount of context setup 
often necessary—but as the main distribution goes, that feels more like an 
exception than the norm! If you pick any section in the Datatypes chapter of 
the Racket Reference, for example, virtually every binding has typeset examples 
(using the scribble/example library you mention). Sections with fewer inline 
examples usually at least have links to example-heavy companion sections in the 
Guide. Even a library like pict, which is visual in the same way racket/draw 
and racket/gui are, has typeset examples for nearly every documented export.

I agree that it would be nice to make contributing small documentation 
improvements more accessible, but your wording seems to suggest you feel there 
is a deeper, systemic problem with the existing documentation. Could you say 
more on what that is? Or, maybe better yet, could you point to some other 
language’s documentation that you feel does things better that we might take 
inspiration from? I, at least, would find that extremely helpful to understand 
what steps Racket could take to do better.

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