On Nov 25, 2019, at 1:29 PM, Stephen De Gabrielle wrote:

> Many packages contain an /examples folder, and adding examples is an easy way 
> to contribute.

I did not know that.  So, I guess the strategy is to find the git repository 
for the package and look there?  In any case, I haven't been finding these 
examples with a general web search.

> There is also https://github.com/racket/racket/wiki/Artifacts
>> This page captures useful code snippets that are too small to be a package.
>> Please contribute your own!
> Though these might be better places in documentation, or in /examples

That artifacts wiki a good thing to know about.  Most of these are a little 
more complex than I am thinking are good for documentation but I may well 
contribute some small but useful code.  I sometimes create my own examples as I 
go because I often look back through my own code to refresh my memory on how to 
do something.  

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