Hello Hugh,

We have checked the network usage using a sniffer and the usage is not more than 20% of capacity at peak. We did run radius in trace 4 debug mode for a while but were not able to tell much from the file as to why the online users are incorrect in the RADONLINE.
We did notice that each time a a user attempts to connect, his records is first deleted from the RADONLINE and inserted again. Please confirm if this is the way the radius functions or is it an error. 
I would like to mention that the users in the RADONLINE drop when the authentication database is locked for a long time. This happens when a query is executed for checking the status of the users. This query takes about 30 seconds to execute and when its done, the RADONLINE entries from the Tigris drops down drastically. Please advise.

There is one other problem that we are facing at the moment. If a user is online and another attempt is made to log on using the same username password, the second attempt is not rejected outright, instead, the user gets a pop up window requesting the username and password again. The user is prompted for a valid username and password up to 20 times before the session is dropped. I was trying to look up how to limit this to three but was unable to find help in the documentation and on the web site. I am told that the NAS does not drop the call because of incorrect radius attributes. Please confirm.



----- Original Message -----
From: "Hugh Irvine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, 12 February 2001 01:23 AM
Subject: Re: (RADIATOR) Incorrect online users

> Hello Mustafa -
> On Sunday 11 February 2001 20:12, Mustafa Mal wrote:
> > > Hi All,
> >
> >         I am having a strange problem. We have cisco and tigris NAS.
> >
> >        But the RADONLINE table does not show the correct number of
> > users from the tigris. I am using the standard dictionary 1.30.
> >
> >        The online users from tthe tigris is not always incorrect. Only
> > there is peak traffic, the online users from the tigris will drop
> > drastically from around 600 to 60.
> >
> This sounds very much like dropped accounting packets, either the Tigris
> not sending them at all, or they are being dropped on saturated links.
> In either case, you will need to examine a trace 4 debug from Radiator,
> possibly in conjunction with a sniffer (or your local equivalent) to see
> is actually on the wire at various places.
> hth
> Hugh
> --
> Radiator: the most portable, flexible and configurable RADIUS server
> anywhere. Available on *NIX, *BSD, Windows 95/98/2000, NT, MacOS X.
> -
> Nets: internetwork inventory and management - graphical, extensible,
> flexible with hardware, software, platform and database independence.

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