Title: Re: Re: (RADIATOR) Incorrect online users

Hello Mustafa -

After going through the documentation on Radiator, i found that the Radiator by default, clears all sessions on the online (session) table if the NAS is rebooted.  This is OK under normal circumstances.  The problem we have is that, when radius (radiator) is restarted OR when a large query is being executed (on the Authentication table - not the online session  table), the sessions for a particular NAS are cleared.

When Radiator is restarted, it does not touch an existing SQL session database, and I do not understand why the sessions for a particular NAS would be cleared if a NAS is not rebooted.

Is there some parameter/s (eg.  a Timeout parameter) that can be changed or inserted into the config file that would ensure that a certain time has elapsed before the session table is cleared??

No, but you can change the queries however you wish in the SessionDatabase SQL clause. The queries you can change are the AddQuery, DeleteQuery, ClearNasQuery and CountQuery. Have a look at section 6.7 in the Radiator 2.17.1 reference manual.



NB: I am travelling this week, so there may be delays in our correspondence.

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