On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 1:16 AM, Michael Banck <mba...@gmx.net> wrote:
>> I'm not sure what you mean here. If you're doing an out-of-source
>> build (which it sounds like you are), then you need to do a "make
>> install" to get the built .so files copied into the $RDBASE/rdkit
>> directory so that the python tests can pass.
> The general way of building Debian packages is:
> 1. Configure (run cmake in this case)
> 2. Make
> 3. Run testsuite, if there is any
> 4. Run Make install, overriding the target directory to a staging
> directory under debian/
> 5. Assemble package from the contents of the staging directory plus
> additional metadata.
> This makes it impossible or at least hackish and awkward to run the
> testsuite after install.

Got it. For this, you really need to do an in-tree build.

> I will have to look how other cmake projects do this with compiled
> python modules.  Note that I set RDK_INSTALL_INTREE=OFF.
> Maybe it would indeed be easiest to do an in-tree build, but in my
> opinion, it should not matter whether one builds in-tree or not.

When you run a plain "make" using the cmake-generated Makefile, you
end up with all the binary files deposited under the directory where
the main makefile sits.

For example, here's some output from a partial RDKit build of one of
the python modules:
/scratch/RDKit_trunk/build > make -j4 rdBase
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /scratch/RDKit_trunk/build
[  0%] Building CXX object Code/RDBoost/CMakeFiles/RDBoost.dir/Wrap.cpp.o
[100%] Building CXX object Code/RDBoost/Wrap/CMakeFiles/rdBase.dir/RDBase.cpp.o
Linking CXX shared module ../../../rdkit/rdBase.so
[100%] Built target rdBase
/scratch/RDKit_trunk/build > ls rdkit/*.so

In order for the python tests to run, however, this file needs to be
located in ../rdkit, where the rest of the python files are. This is
what make install would take care of.

The alternative is to do an in-tree build, shown here:
/scratch/RDKit_intree > make rdBase
Scanning dependencies of target RDBoost
[  0%] Building CXX object Code/RDBoost/CMakeFiles/RDBoost.dir/Wrap.cpp.o
Linking CXX shared module ../../../rdkit/rdBase.so
[100%] Built target rdBase
/scratch/RDKit_intree > ls rdkit/*.so

Now I can directly run the python tests.

To get the "make install" working correctly into a staging area, you
can provide the name of the staging directory to cmake:
/scratch/RDKit_intree > cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/scratch/usr .
and then do a "make install" after you've run "make" and "ctest":
/scratch/RDKit_intree > rm -rf /scratch/usr/*
/scratch/RDKit_intree > make -j2 install
[  1%] Built target fastentropy
-- Removed runtime path from
-- Up-to-date: /scratch/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/rdkit/RDPaths.py

And now quickly verify that something sensible happened:
/scratch/RDKit_intree > ls /scratch/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/rdkit
Avalon               DistanceGeometry  Makefile     RDRandom.py
Chem                 epydoc.config     ML           SimDivFilters
cmake_install.cmake  Excel             Numerics     sping
CTestTestfile.cmake  ForceField        rdBase.so    TestRunner.py
DataManip            Geometry          RDConfig.py  utils
DataStructs          __init__.py       RDLogger.py  VLib
Dbase                Logger            RDPaths.py

>> Up to this point I was fine, and can fix the problem, but this one:
>> > rdkit-201112/rdkit/__init__.py
>> is in svn, so it shouldn't be showing up as something that didn't
>> originally exist.
> Right, that was probably some leftover from some unsuccessful
> experiments I did with trying to add some stuff to __init__.py so it
> finds the corresponding .so files. So nevermind this.

ok, cool. The rest of the changes you had suggested, other than the
two .sqlt files in $RDBASE/Data, are checked in. The .sqlt files are
checked into svn, so they shouldn't be showing up in a list of
uncleaned up files. Could it be because at least one of those files is
modified during the tests?

Thanks again for your work on this!

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