If you have a look at the results of other recent polls there you 
might not feel so positive about the SMH readership Trudy. On things 
like drug trials, worker entitlements, the electronic tagging of 
detention centre inmates, Tony Abbott and many other measures they 
look pretty reactionary to me!

If you have a look at the voting pattern on the Shyan issue today 
you'll see that it has changed pretty dramatically, with two to one 
now in favour of release.  If it really was a measure of a swing in 
opinion amongst the SMH readership I'd be worried if I was Ruddock.


Trudy wrote:
>Hi Tim,
>I agree with you - up to a point. Yes, a lot of these polls are 
>manipulated and
>when you look at them regularly, it is possible to tell when and by whom. They
>do show up their clientele however...e.g. the ninemsn and newspolls 
>very seldom
>show anything but a conservative to redneck result but the SMH poll has a more
>progressive result in general.

Rod Hagen
Hurstbridge, Victoria, Australia
WWW    http://www.netspace.net.au/~rodhagen

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