One can be careful and sensitive about intruding on the authority of  local boards of education without abdicating to them. If in a particular case a school board acts in  plainly unconstitutional way and a judge shoots it down, there is no  proof that the judge is being intemperate or less than even handed. Unless of course, Jim intends  that the careful and sensitive judge can never challenge what a school board does-but the ACLJ asks judges to override school official judgments all the time. Are judges who uphold ACLJ claims insensitive  and biasaed?

Marc Stern


Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2005 12:34 PM
Subject: Re: Dover Intelligent-Design Case


Sounds like he's passionate about the Establishment Clause to me.  That is certainly appropriate for a jurist.




In a message dated 12/20/2005 12:20:09 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

It will take me a while to review the decision, so I do appreciate the snippet that informs me of the even-tempered nature of a judge who obviously is free of bias and understands the careful and sensitive nature of invocations of judicial power to direct the pedagogical component of local school operations.


Jim Henderson

Senior Counsel



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