wspx472 wrote:
> Thanks for the useful info. Very interesting. On a somewhat similar
> topic, we ran into a situation where the local Motorola shop sold a
> local entity a repeater and several portables using a DPL code that
> only certain models of Motorola have. We checked every Kenwood,
> Vertex, and even some other Motorola models and none could do this
> particular code. I found a work around for the lack of reverse burst.
> I am using a Tait exciter which has its own hang timer. I just set
> that timer to hold the carrier up for a fraction of a second after
> the 38A drops out. This gives the PL decoder in the mobiles/portables
> time to close the squelch before the carrier drops.

That'll work on nearly all radios. I found my wife's VX-1 won't even 
respond to that. I checked-once the decoder opens, it stays open until 
the carrier squelch closes-forever.  It does do DPL turn-off code though.


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