
 This is my first post to this mail list. I have not found on the mail
list archives a discussion about if it is a good or bad idea for an
Internet robot the indexing of cgi programs (i.e. link with a '?'
character within). I think is not good because the main reason for which
the people make web sites with pages created on the moment of the "user
click" is that the information is very dynamic so probably that same
link in the near future will not have the same information or will not
 I would like to hear your opinions... perhaps I am wrong.


     "Don't listen to what I say; listen to what I mean!" --Feynman
Salvador Ramirez Flandes        PROFC, Universidad de Concepcion, CHILE
http://www.profc.udec.cl/~sram                mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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