On May 11, 2011, at 12:16 PM, Anders F Björklund wrote:

> No idea whether it works, but at least it seems to build...

From my investigations with TSS and TCG and TPM and MTM
which led me to a decision to attempt a ASN.1 embedding not
only into RPM libraries but also into the *.rpm/*.wdj format 
itself ...

... I was quite disgusted at just how feebly deficient actually is ...

... like many in the FL/OSS worls I'd assumed that there was a high quality,
AutoFu library that could be used anytime I wished ...

... the sad reality of libtasn1 is that an "integer" is
assumed to be 32/64 bits. w00t! Let's do RSA-64! That is so
so so so secure! 

... the point being that libtsan1 is headed for the bit bucket
anyways, and openssl is so so so much easier to use than gnutls
(but only by a hair's breadth) and the One True Crypto: NSS is actually
okay compared to the other ancient dinosaur (CDMA? CDMS? never can remember)
that is around for time os yore ...

... so holler if you wish me to dump libtasn1 sooner rather than later.

No problem.

73 de Jeff

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