Jeffrey Johnson wrote:

>>> Is overriding the Xcode mandated (afaik) 10.3 "compatibility" in Makefile.PL
>>> the right approach here? Or back to LD_LIBRARY_PATH?
>> I think back to LD_LIBRARY_PATH is the "easiest", though it's called
>> DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH so darwin needs to be special-cased anyway.
> Hmmm … noted thank you. But I swear that I tried LD_LIBRARY_PATH
> and it Just Worked on Lion.

And you are right, it is honored by dyld ever since it went "Unix" or so.

>> The reason why it doesn't work with the -rpath is because the linker sets
>> MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.3 to get two-level namespaces.
>> But it only checks for darwins 5 through 8, so doesn't handle Leopard on...
>> Ever since Intel arrived, the minimum target has been 10.4 always anyway.
> Is it easy to change MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.3 in perl/Makefile.PL?

Well, it's not actually in the perl/Makefile.PL but in the system config.

>> I do blame CMake. But couldn't you use pkg-config, and the libgit2.pc ?
>> Though the .pc only added -lz -lcrypto. Not sure what the problem was.
> Heh: actually cmake green/red colorization is cool!
> I watch and think whether I should … it certainly would be popular
> to flip RPM to cmake instead. And I'm pretty sure that devzero200 would
> like to see colorized based on his nicely done POPT AutoFu.

But the popt seems to be failing on gettext, as it is looking
for gettext-runtime ("gettext") rather than gettext-tools ("gettextize")

Instead of looking for libtool and gettext, it should rather be using
libtoolize and gettextize. Like the existing RPM did already...

Switching to CMake sounds like the old "now you have two problems" fix ?

> But then I go out and drink a martini until the next time I have to
> watch RPM build. And the cycle repeats endlessly …

I stopped using python2.5 and perl5.8, and the rpm54 port builds again.


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