Hi there,

We are using ansible to deploy system configuration and web application source 
code to clusters of Linux computers. One part of this process requires 
transferring large directories to the target hosts, which is done using the 
„synchronize“ command in ansible that is in turn a wrapper around rsync. This 
work great in most scenarios, but we run into an issue with a specific (albeit 
for us: prominent) use case:

- We try to have rsync connect over ssh using a non-privileged user account.
- The account is set up for publickey authentication, so we can use ‚rsync -e 
„ssh -i /home/user/.ssh/some_id“‘.
- On the target side, we want to escalate privileges for rsync, which we try 
using ‚rsync --rsync-path=„sudo rsync“‘.

This whole scenario works fine, as long as for the ssh account we use for 
logging in, passwordless sudo is set up on the target. For security reasons, we 
do not want to go this route. Instead, we want to supply the user’s password 
for gaining privileges. On the web, I’ve found to suggestions for solving this:

a) Using ssh-askpass, we can use the options -e "ssh -X" --rsync-path="sudo -A 
rsync" (see https://askubuntu.com/a/1167758). The problem in our scenario is 
that using ansible, we run the identical rsync command on multiple hosts in 
parallel (we target about 32 VMs in one go). So the person running the script 
would have to enter the password into 32 dialogs exactly at the time they pop 

b) Passing the password to sudo via stdin using --rsync-path "echo MYPASSWORD | 
sudo -S rsync" (see https://askubuntu.com/a/1155897). This has the potential 
security implication that if the calling line is stored somewhere in a shell 
history file of the control host, the password will be breached, but there’s a 
couple of measures we can take so mitigate that. However, I fail at getting 
this to run.

Here’s a sample command that I get out of a patched ansible „synchronize“ 
command. I’m trying to connect to a Ubuntu 18.04 VM with the user account 
„mark“ that is in the „sudoers“ group but does not have „NOPASSWD“ set, so 
running „sudo“ for the first time in a session will require to enter the 
password for „mark“ which here is „test“:

rsync --delay-updates -F --compress --delete-after --archive --no-perms 
--no-owner --no-group --rsh='/usr/bin/ssh -S none -i ~/ssh/some_private_key -o 
Port"22 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null' 
--rsync-path='echo test | sudo -S -u root rsync 2>/dev/null' 
--out-format='<<CHANGED>>%i %n%L' ~/test_source_dir 

This is what I get:
> Warning: Permanently added '[]:2222' (ED25519) to the list of known 
> hosts.
> rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [sender]

As far as I understand, this could be due to "sudo -S" prompting for the 
password and that prompt interfering with the rsync communications. However, 
I’m out of ideas what I could do to get around that.

Help would be greatly appreciated ;-)

Thanks and greetings from Cologne,

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