I have plenty of disk images, and simply don't have time to do anything with them. In the past, many times somebody said he will look at it, unpack and sort the software, and upload it to NVG, but actually nobody ever did anything (except "getting" the stuff from me)... :-(
Mgr.(MSc.) Ales Keprt (also known as Aley)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] *** www.keprt.cz *** ICQ: 82357182
Dept. of Computer Science, VSB Technical University
Ostrava, CZ - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - www.cs.vsb.cz

----- Original Message ----- From: "Dan Dooré" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <sam-users@nvg.ntnu.no>
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2005 3:29 PM
Subject: Re: Text conversion

Andy Chandler wrote:

KEYIN - That was the little devil I was thinking of ;-)

KEYIN was a corker of a command, when I think back to the amount of times I crashed by blue footed friend with that one I go all misty-eyed and the missus has to poke me with a stick to bring me back.

I have converted the text BASIC file that was in ftp://ftp.nvg.ntnu.no/pub/sam-users/missing/bcdsk10.bas using the most excellent PCSUITE and it works a treat, It will be uploaded to NVG as part of my weekly update.

Speaking of which, at the risk of sounding like a broken record, does anyone have copies of these files in ftp://ftp.nvg.ntnu.no/pub/sam-coupe/missing

MikeAJTrackerModules 1 and 2

Also, please take a look at the stuff on NVG as there is an awful lot more on there than there ever was before and if you have stuff that is missing or just not there then either:

a) If it is in DSK format, has DOS and an AUTO file ZIP it and upload to ./incoming/ b) If you can't be bothered to tinker with the format then email me the files in any compessed format you have them (although ZIP for preference) and I will sort them out.

NOTE: Please check NVG *BEFORE* sending me stuff but anything is welcome, apart from non-converted emulator snapshots of course.


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