Charles Marcus wrote:
On 5/28/2008, Scott Lovenberg ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
Also, I've found that roaming profiles seem to choke when you've got
lots of very small files.  Those files are usually in local settings
under the profile, but not always.

Roaming Profiles do NOT contain *anything* in the 'Local Settings' folder. Thats why it is called LOCAL settings.

I think he has a DNS issue or something else going on...

Yeah, I originally wrote in (and later deleted for the sake of clarity) that I used to carry around my local settings folder. I had a dozen computers with the same software, and I hated my settings being changed every time I jumped on another computer (I naively thought that was the whole point of roaming profiles, hah!). Needless to say, it was less than optimal and didn't much work. And, now Gmail has IMAP, so I don't have to carry around my email store. = )

DNS was my kneejerk reaction, too, but I thought that it would be good to mention small files which may or may not be in local settings.

Another thought that just occurred, there seems to be a significant speed difference when the Web Client service is turned off. Many thanks to John Terpstra and Jelmer Vernooij for this tip in TOSHARG (the book is worth its weight in gold, and it isn't light!). With the Web Client service on, it almost feels like you've got a bit of browsing issue.
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