SCIENCE-JOBS-DE Stellenausschreibung (vacancies)

The School of Biological Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 
invites applications for 1-2 PhD student positions, to commence in Jan 2010. 
Salary is up to S$3000/month (~Euro 1500) depending on the experience. The PhD 
project aims to characterize the molecular function of novel proteins in 
signaling pathways specific for immune cells. The research project will involve 
a broad spectrum of methods of standard molecular biology, cell biology (cell 
culture, signalosome analysis, cell fractionation) as well as proteome analysis 
and in vivo function testing for the immune system.

We are searching for highly motivated candidates who are able to work 
independently and have a strong interest in the function and molecular biology 
of the immune system. Solid experiences in molecular biology, biochemistry and 
cell biology are desired. Applicants must hold either a Master´s degree or a 
German “Diplom” in Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Genetics or Immunology. 
Excellent written and spoken English skills are required. Please submit your 
application containing C.V., photo, short description of research experience 
and interests, and references by email to Dr. I-hsin Su e-mail:



I-hsin Su
Nanyang Technological University

Ansprechpartner: I-hsin Su,


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