On 26-Sep-09, at 4:06 AM, Christian Schmid <csch...@rapidshare.com> wrote:

Hi Kartik,

Thank you for your reply. I am new to OpenGL programming. I used to
write everything in Perl. No matter if its a network stack or a fully
blown web-custimizable FTP server. Now I am trying to code blast-away
3d-applications... in Perl. Some people say this is crazy, but I am sure as soon as I have created an amazing framework, it will work as well as
C-applications do.
It should!

That said, I tried figuring out what I can do in Perl without using Perl too much for the "loads and loads of stupid vertex work". I also rely on
caching as good as I can, especially on models with 1 Mio Polygons, I
need the VBOs. Unfortunately it seems the VBOs are only part of OpenGL
1.5 or higher, and since its not implemented in Perl-SDL, I suppose
Perl-SDL does not support 1.5 yet?
I don't think so I would recommend looking in to Perl OpenGL. The module is opengl on cpan.

Sure, I could just try to implement it myself in Perl-SDL. But I think
this is not the very best solution and (since I don't know anything
about Perl-SDLs interna, nor libsdl) this would take a very long time I
If your concern is only opengl then the module I mentioned above, POGL, is your best bet.

So to bring it to the point: What OpenGL version is supported (at least glGenBuffers does not work). When will OpenGl 3.1 be supported? ;) Most
stunning effects are only possible with the latest revision I suppose.
POGL has more features then SDL Perl's implementation. We are actually considering to move our base to theirs.

Do people widely use OpenGL with Perl-SDL?

I haven't seen extensive use so far. I could be wrong as I have only started maintaining a month ago.
What would it take for you to implement the newest OpenGL technology in
Help to migrate to POGL. Also a latest system which can handle the latest video card would help.

Do you accept motivation-pushing donations in case its much work?
Give a shout out to POGL devs. I am more interested in making SDL Perl work well with their OpenGL.

Are you still highly interested in spending time in Perl-SDL?

Yup :). If you are interested in SDL too besides just OpenGL, would you consider setting up bounties that you would pay for and the core devs of SDL would check?

I have wanted to sell some games and pump money in the form of bounties into SDL Perl, but I have been busy coding internals.
What is your current occupation if I may ask?
I am an intern/student. That's all I am saying :p

- Christian

Kartik Thakore schrieb:
Hi Christian,

Kartik Thakore

On 26-Sep-09, at 2:39 AM, Christian Schmid <csch...@rapidshare.com>


As far as I have found out, you are the main maintainer of perl- sdl. Is
this correct?
Yes this is correct.

I have some questions about OpenGL V1.5 and later implementations in
Perl-SDL, the future about Perl-SDL and possible donations to the
respective hard working programmers, who have made it possible to
produce high-performance OpenGL applications within Perl.
I am looking
forward for your reply.

What are your questions I would be glad to answer them?
Best regards,
Christian Schmid


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