[tslug] Re: the LUG's new name

2004-09-02 Thread Peter Snoblin
Jason Miller wrote:
 Hey everyone,

 What will TSLUG's new official name be, now that the University
 says no student organization can begin it's name with Truman

This was brought up at yesterday's meeting, and while we bandied about 
such names as !TSLUG and similar jokes, the final decision was to not 
make one at the moment. I beleive that Dr Bindner and Alex are looking 
into the exact details of the policy change, and once they've got a 
handle on it, a call for nominations for new names will be issued. Once 
a few have come in, an email based (I believe) vote will be conducted.

Peter Snoblin - http://entropicaccess.net/

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[tslug] Re: the LUG's new name

2004-09-02 Thread Peter Snoblin
Donald J Bindner wrote:
 Nominations and seconds will be accepted on the mailing list from
 now until Monday afternoon at 5pm (September 6).  On Monday
 evening, I will draft a ballot of eligible entries and post it to
 the list.

One question to ask about the new name is, do we want to retain Linux 
in our name? I ask for two reasons. First, we've gotten flack from 
certain people (coughRMScough) about not being GNU/Linux. Secondly, it 
seems to me that Linux isn't our soul focus. We range the whole gambit 
of computer related topics, with a large focus on UNIX and UNIX-like 
operating systems (or POSIX or whatever the term de jour is) as well as 
Free software (or FOSS or FLOSS, again take your pic of terms ;-) ). It 
might be a good idea to take these ideas into account.

Towards that end, I'd like to nominate one idea that came up last night 
(and I appologize to whomever floated the idea for not crediting him, I 
simply can't remember who it was): FSA, the Free Software Association.

Peter Snoblin - http://entropicaccess.net/

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[tslug] Re: the LUG's new name

2004-09-02 Thread Peter Snoblin
iosif wrote (Thursday 02 September 2004 11:15 pm):
 2.  for those who don't get the principle: Phi Sigma Pi, often
 abbreviated (in both writing and the spoken language) PSP,
 Pan-Hellenic Council is shortened to NPC, and the Public Broadcasting
 Service and National Broadcasting Company are of course PBS and NBC. 
 no vowels.  they're fine. where did this fixation on vowels spring

For those who miss the point, by spelling it out, vowels are INTRODUCED. 
pEE ess pEE. en pEE cEE. pEE bEE ess. en bEE cEE. Now do you see? 
Additionally, this fixation on vowels comes from being an English 
speaker. Nt hvng thm mks thngs bt hrd t ndrstnd, ys?

 3.  those who don't know what the FSCK means will in about 10
 seconds, after which they will have *learned something*.

The fallacy here revolves around the people who will never see an 
explanation. Unless you want to put something like this on every thing 
that bears FSCK: * File System Checker, a well known UNIX/UNIX like 
Operating System tool. A bit awkward, yes?

 4.  sorry if FSCK is somehow a detriment to anyone's image.

*shrug* To each, his own. As I clearly said, that was just my personal 
feeling on a name that quickly calls profanity to mind.

 5.  this resume nonsense has got to stop.  Free Software Club in
 Kirksville, even abbreviated (which should never ever happen on a
 resume anyway) FSCK, is not some sine qua non for failing to get a
 job, even in a magical contingency world of horrors.

I didn't say OMGWTF You won't get a job if we make the name FSCK!!!11 
Just trying to draw a fairly realistic scenario in which the name could 
be seen as a detriment.

 6.  FSA is already taken: Federal Student Aid, Farm Security/Service
 Administration/Agency, Finite State Automaton...KAFS is better but
 without the media-genic charm and all the aesthetics of a soviet
 worker housing block.  KLUG has something going for it, but still
 leaves the whole linux/gnu issue in place.  FSCK is the most
 beautiful in solving all these problems.

You forgot Fabless Semiconductor Association. And Full Speed Ahead. And 
The Financial Services Authority. And Food Standards Agency. But, I'm 
really failing to see what FSA has to do with this. I'm not saying 
N Don't pick FSCK! Then the option that I nominated can't win! OH 
NOEZ! I'm just saying that there are some serious concerns about the 
name that need to be addressed. However, I'll still take the opertunity 
to say, So what? to your FSA points. It's not like we have anything 
to do with agriculture or student aid. Or fabless semiconductors. Et 
I have to confess I don't really see anything communist or soviet about 
KAFS, but, *shrugs.*
I'll give you, FSCK is a good name, in a lot of regards. Its catchy, it 
means something, and all the other things that have been pointed out. 
But at the same time, it introduces a lot of potential problems.

Sorry if I'm coming off a bit abbrasively. It's late, I'm tired. And I'm 
trying hard to not react to what seems to me, at least, to be a fairly 
confrontational tone...

Peter Snoblin - http://entropicaccess.net/

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[tslug] Club activity this year?

2004-08-31 Thread Peter Snoblin
So, to further and extend Caleb's previous question, what's up with this 
year? I ask both in terms of projects as well as regular meetings. I 
assume (and hope!) that we'll have weekly or every-other-week meetings 
again, as well as an install fest or two or three. So, I guess what I'm 
asking in another way is this, Who's in charge 'round these parts? ;)

Hopefully, I'll see some or all of you around in the next few days.
Peter Snoblin - http://entropicaccess.net/

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[tslug] Re: Kernel 2.6.0

2003-12-17 Thread Peter Snoblin
You need to emerge alsa-utils. It will provide you with an alsasound init 
script that will save and restore mixer levels on halt/boot.

On Thursday 18 December 2003 12:07 am, Ian Monroe burbled:
 I've been using 2.6-test11 primarily for the last couple of weeks. For
 the desktop user I think the most noticeable change are the new sound
 drivers, ALSA. The old OSS still exists, as well as an OSS compatibility
 layer for ALSA. My experience with ALSA is that it gives me a little too
 much power. In my experience with my Sound Blaster Live! emu10k1 card,
 by default, no sound was coming out. I opened up alsamixer and fixed
 that. But it sounded kind of flat and voices were quiet in comparison to
 other sounds. I fiddled around with the literally dozens of options now
 in alsamixer and now it works fine. I hope now with ALSA in widespread
 use there will be some develop of a just-make-it-sound-good auto config
 thing. The commercial distros will probably write scripts to setup it up

Peter Snoblin - http://entropicaccess.net/

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[tslug] Mandrake 9.1 isos

2003-04-04 Thread Peter Snoblin

I just fetched the Mandrake 9.1 isos. They're available at 
http://rillanon/mandrake91/mandrake9.1/ (only available from on campus, 
sorry). Share and enjoy!

Peter Snoblin - http://www2.truman.edu/~pas577/

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[tslug] Re: Mandrake 9.1 isos

2003-04-04 Thread Peter Snoblin

Thats actually how I got both these and the Redhat ones earlier this week. I'm 
just hosting them for a short time on the campus network as thats faster than 
bittorrent. And I definately agree, bittorrent is very cool. To save people a 
quick googling the url is http://bitconjurer.org/BitTorrent/
On Friday 04 April 2003 12:57 pm, Benjamin Story burbled:
 You all might try bittorrent too.  It's awesome at getting ISOs, they
 have the newest Mandrake and RedHat ISOs available.  The program is
 available on Freshmeat and it even automatically confirms md5sums for
 you.  There is also a windows version for people that need the isos
 before ditching Windows.

Peter Snoblin - http://www2.truman.edu/~pas577/

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[tslug] Re: IPv6 configuration script

2003-03-20 Thread Peter Snoblin
On Wednesday 19 March 2003 07:50 pm, Donald J Bindner burbled:
 This is the script from the talk tonight: /etc/init.d/local-ipv6.
For any Gentoo users, I modified the init script to be gentoo-esque.
Peter Snoblin - http://www2.truman.edu/~pas577/

-- Attached file included as plaintext by Ecartis --
-- File: ipv6

# This is a sample script for connecting to the 6bone via
# generic relay

opts=${opts} information
myip=$(ip addr show dev eth0 | sed -n 's/^.*inet \([0-9\.]*\).*$/\1/p')
addr=$(printf 2002:%x%x:%x%x::1\n $(echo $myip | tr .  ) )

depend() {
need net

start() {
ebegin Setting up IPv6 tunnel
ip tunnel add tun6to4 mode sit ttl 255 remote any local $myip
ip link set dev tun6to4 up
ip -6 addr  add $addr/16 dev tun6to4
ip -6 route add 2000::/3 via :: dev tun6to4 metric 1
eend $?

stop() {
ebegin Tearing down IPv6 tunnel
ip link set dev tun6to4 down
ip tunnel del tun6to4
eend $?

information() {
ip -6 tunnel show
ip -6 route show dev tun6to4

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[tslug] Re: Installfest and etc...

2003-02-07 Thread Peter Snoblin

When is the install fest (like time when, not date when)? Also, where is it? I 
figure it might be good to know that before I start this publicity thingy.

On Thursday 06 February 2003 12:44 pm, Nathaniel Green burbled:
 We decided to move the installfest back two weeks to Saturday the 22nd
 of February 2003.  This will allow time for a room to be reserved,
 advertisements to be distributed, and PartitionMagic to arrive.  Also,
 if you are planning on coming to the installfest that Saturday, we will
 be having a meeting the Wednesday before it, on the 19th of February.
 It would be a very good idea for you to join us that Wednesday, as we
 will be discussing some preparatory steps for the installfest.

Peter Snoblin - http://www2.truman.edu/~pas577/

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[tslug] Truman network and linux

2003-01-29 Thread Peter Snoblin

Hey all,
I've started working on a document to help get people new to Linux and, 
possibly, the Truman network up to speed. You can find it at 
Currently it's got a note about the WINS/DNS thing, various services that we 
have but are generally not known (eg we have an NTP server. who knew?), and 
setting up CUPS to print to the network printers. This is still very much a 
work in progress, and as such any sort of comments you have would be of value 
(and, yes, I know I can't spel vry wel).

Oh, and KDE 3.1, wow. That's really all I can say.

Peter Snoblin - http://www2.truman.edu/~pas577/

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[tslug] Re: solaris / project idea

2003-01-23 Thread Peter Snoblin

I was thinking Debian, for a few reasons. First is that its what I know 
better, secondly it would help users avoid the dependency hell that strikes 
all rpm based installs after awhile, and finally it would be pretty easy to 
maintain an on campus apt source for it.

(my appologies for the screwy =20 thing in my first message, KDE ate my KMail 
config. again. I think I have it fixed now.)

On Thursday 23 January 2003 09:16 pm, you wrote:
 I think that that is a great idea. There are a lot of little little
 gotchas with the truman network. It might also be useful to include
 some sample iptables scripts that would help new users to secure their
 machines. Mandrake's default configuration of CUPS has been a thorn in
 my side for a couple of years now. It looks like they have secured it
 more in version 9.0 though. Before that if I didn't remember to edit it
 after an install/update it would accept jobs for an arbitrary machine on
 the network. Some special documentation might also be useful. I've
 written a rudimentary Introduction to Linux
 (http://www.brandonchisham.com/online_books/), this could
 easily be adapted to include some Truman specific stuff.

 It would probably be good to start with something very flexible like
 Gentoo or Debian, so that a higher level of customization could be


Peter Snoblin - http://www2.truman.edu/~pas577/

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[tslug] Re: getting hostname.truman.edu to resolve

2003-01-17 Thread Peter Snoblin

To get into the Truman DNS you need to have samba properly set up to use =
local WINS server (I have the sneaking suspision that that is redundant..=
But anywho, you need to add this line to /etc/samba/smb.conf:
wins server =3D
After that restart samba (consult the appropriate documentation for your=20
distro on how to that) and wait about five minutes for the WINS server to=
sync with the DNS server, after that you should be in.

Also, you might want to add this line to /etc/hosts: localhost hostname
Where hostname is your hostname. That way if the DNS ever goes down, yo=
will still be able to resolve your own machine.
On Friday 17 January 2003 04:18 pm, Steve Olree burbled:
 I can't seem to figure out how to get my hostname.truman.edu to resol=
 to my IP address in linux. Not exactly sure how complicated it is, but
 anyone want to explain how to do this?

Peter Snoblin - http://www2.truman.edu/~pas577/

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[tslug] Re: Sound Card Advice

2002-12-09 Thread Peter Snoblin
Just to get my two cents in, I too have an SB Live! 5.1 and have been very 
happy with it. It works perfectly under Linux, especially given the lack of 
the crappy Creative software.

On Monday 09 December 2002 09:57 pm, you wrote:
 I just bought a SB Live 5.1 off of ebay for $40.  Some wholesaler has a ton
 of them.  That would be a good pick.  EMU10k is pretty well supported.


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Peter Snoblin - http://www2.truman.edu/~pas577/

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[tslug] Meeting tomorrow?

2002-12-03 Thread Peter Snoblin
Do we have a meeting tomorrow? I apologize if this was addressed, but my email 
was acting up and it appears I missed a few messages.
Peter Snoblin - http://www2.truman.edu/~pas577/

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[tslug] Idea for a meeting

2002-11-18 Thread Peter Snoblin
I just had an idea for something we could do at a meeting. We could have a 
gpg, for lack of a better word, thing. It could involve helping people 
generate keys, if they don't already have them, and then having a key 

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() ASCII ribbon campaign against HTML email and needless attachments
/\ If I wanted HTML I would visit your webpage

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[tslug] Re: 3 KASIM VE BIZ

2002-10-16 Thread Peter Snoblin

What? who? huh? Is this stupidity, malfunction, or a poor attempt at
On Wed, 2002-10-16 at 19:20, Genç Parti wrote:
Peter Snoblin
aim: CHA1512

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[tslug] Re: problems with red hat...

2002-10-16 Thread Peter Snoblin

It looks like your network card should be a simple tulip card. Try
typing, as root, insmod tulip. However there may be some pcmcia trickery
needed that I don't know about (actually I need to study up on
pcmcia...). But anyway give that a try. Without knowing what kind of
soundcard you have I can't really help you.

On Wed, 2002-10-16 at 21:20, Christopher White wrote:
 I recently switched to Linux from Windows 98, but there are a few 
 problems I have yet to work out. First of all, my IBM EtherJet PCMCIA 
 card does not have a linux driver, and I can't figure out how to obtain 
 one and make it work. Second of all, it doesn't recognize my sound 
 card. I would greatly appreciate any help I could get with these 
 problems. I am a neophyte, so you'll have to go easy on my.
Peter Snoblin
aim: CHA1512

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[tslug] Re: Free Software Idea

2002-10-15 Thread Peter Snoblin

I haven't used alpha2 much, but I can attest that it starts and logs in
on win2k. However I did use alpha1 a fair bit without much trouble, and
I would assume that it only got better. Also, gaim is very stable in
linux, so there is no problem with the actual code base.
On Tue, 2002-10-15 at 20:31, Donald J Bindner wrote:
 On Mon, Oct 14, 2002 at 03:53:43PM -0500, Peter Snoblin wrote:
  gAIM (an instant messenger client,
  talks pretty much every protocol you can think of - http://gaim.sf.net),
 The gaim binary for Windows is marked as 0.60.0-alpha2
 Anyone have any idea whether this is ready for mere mortals?
Peter Snoblin
aim: CHA1512

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[tslug] Re: cafepress.com

2002-10-08 Thread Peter Snoblin

Hash: SHA1

Nathaniel Green wrote, amongst other things:
 PS - If anyone wants to volunteer to give a talk for next week, or
 wants to chase someone down who will, talk to me :)

Its not really a talk, nor totally linux related, but I got my
NeXTStation (in case anyone doesn't know, NeXTs run a variation of BSD)
and if someone can help me lug it over I'd be happy to show it off. (I
just live in Ryle, so its not far).

- --
Peter Snoblin
AIM: CHA1512
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


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[tslug] Re: RH 8.0 Soundcard Blues

2002-10-07 Thread Peter Snoblin

Hash: SHA1

What are the permissions on /dev/dsp? You can find out using either
stat /dev/dsp or ls -l /dev/dsp (without quotes of course). Ideally
permissions should be 666, also known as crw-rw-rw- (and yes I know this
is not the most secure, however on a single use machine its fine). If
they aren't you can change them using chmod 666 /dev/dsp. Failing
that, make sure the proper module is loaded using lsmod. I think the
module for your card is es1370. If its not loaded you can load it using
insmod es1370. And just to cover all posiblities, your speakers are on
right? (don't worry, I've done much dumber things)

Hope that helps somewhat.

Jordan Morren wrote:
 I installed RH 8.0 on Thursday and everything's been working great
 except I cannot get my sound card to work.  I have an Ensoniq 5880
 AudioPCI sound card which is supposed to be supported, and it is
 detected, but no such luck with the sound.  There's no test sound, no CD
 sound, no system sound or anything.  I've checked and rechecked all the
 connections to make sure everything's plugged in correctly and still
 nothing.  Any ideas?  Thanks for any help!

 ~Jordan Morren
- --
Peter Snoblin
AIM: CHA1512
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


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[tslug] on campus email server

2002-10-03 Thread Peter Snoblin

Hash: SHA1

I just noticed something very odd, my box on the campus network is
running a mail server that can, if the firewall allowed it, send and
recieve mail from the outside world. However, I was under the impression
that said firewall disallowed that, in fact I even tested it at the
begining of the year to no avail. Yet now it works. Anyone know anything
about this? Will it continue to work or is this just an oversite on
someones part?
- --
Peter Snoblin
AIM: CHA1512
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


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[tslug] Redhat network

2002-09-22 Thread Peter Snoblin

Just occured to me that the people who installed RedHat on their
machines may be interested in the free educational subscription that
RedHat offers for the RedHat Network. For those who don't know, RHN is a
service that allows you to update your system with security updates over
the internet. It would probablly be a good idea to register with the
service, and you can do this here:
After doing this, run the command up2date.

Peter Snoblin

-- Attached file included as plaintext by Listar --
-- File: signature.asc
-- Desc: This is a digitally signed message part

Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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[tslug] Local Security Outline

2002-09-18 Thread Peter Snoblin

To those who are interested, you can find a bit more information on 
local system security in my outline, available at 
http://www2.truman.edu/~pas577/Linux%20Security/security.html. Hopefully 
this will be a little better than my talk. Also, I will probablly update 
it after I get a chance to try out some of the kernel security 
extensions (which may be awhile, I decided to upgrade from gcc2.95 to 
gcc3.2 and am in the process of rebuilding nearly every program on my 
system.) With luck I should have that update within a week. Also, I may 
add something about working with RAM disks.

Peter Snoblin

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[tslug] Re: InstallFest (!)

2002-09-17 Thread Peter Snoblin

I'd be more than willing to help out if noone else wants to take it,
should be fairly convienient as I also am in Ryle (368).
As it turns out I can be at the install fest the whole time! woohoo!

Ashley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dr.Beck told me to get a hold of you.  I want to put Lenox on my computer
 and keep my windows too.  Could you ask if there would be someone
willing to
 help me prepare my computer for InstallFest?  I have no idea what I
need to
 do to get it ready.  I'd appreciate your help.
 Ashley Murdock
 145 Ryle Hall

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[tslug] Re: FTP Weirdness Extra info

2002-09-12 Thread Peter Snoblin

Hash: SHA1

I just ftp'd into jessica-chapman.com and logged in as anonymous and
was able to pull a directory listing (just one folder, incoming) in
both windows and linux. Based off that, I'd hazard a guess to say the
problem is on your end. I'd again hazard a guess that if you are
running a firewall you could be blocking a needed port, but I have no
idea what that could be (I think active ftp uses 20 for something...).
Sorry I couldn't be of more help.

Peter Snoblin

Brandon Chisham wrote:
  I just tried logging into another domain that I own
  and enountered the same difficulties. I can ftp to my truman
  without any trouble.

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