Re: [abcusers] accidentals in ()

2000-11-15 Thread jc

John Henckel wrote:
In abcm2ps there is a bug.  If an accidental is used several times in the
same measure, it draws all of them.  Thus, K:F and " =B =B " will print two
notes with naturals in front of them, but only the FIRST one should have a
natural sign.  I am going to fix jhabc2ps so that only the first occurrance
of an accidental is printed in each measure.  I recommend that all other
ABC rendering programs should do likewise.

This is a really bad idea.  Such  "advisory"  accidentals  are  often
there for a good reason. Suppressing them means that you're using cpu
time to make the music less readable. Nobody will thank you for this.
I wouldn't even consider using software that damages my music in such
a fashion.

Also, by doing this, you are  explicitly  excluding  both  the  Early
Music  and  Modern  Music  crowds from the set of ABC users.  Both of
these crowds often use the convention that accidentals apply to  only
the  one  note.   They  have  good reason for this.  Discarding their
explicitly-coded accidentals will  mean  that  they  can't  use  your

It should be noted that, for music formatters, the  question  of  the
scope  of  accidentals  is  irrelevant.   It only matters when you're
playing the music.  Music formatters don't play the notes, they  just
produce staff notation. They don't need to know anything at all about
a note's pitch, only how to represent it on a page.

So  a  music  formatter  like  abc2ps  has  no  business  trying   to
second-guess the transcriber. It should simply display accidentals as
shown in the ABC, and not try to "improve" on them.

Notation for parenthesized accidentals is a good idea.  We've  had  a
number  of  suggestions that (^)A or (=)B be legal.  This is probably
the most intuitive solution, and doesn't seem to  conflict  with  the
use of parens for slurs. There was a suggestion that ?^A be used, but
I don't think there was any reaction to this.

I have wondered whether this should be discussed again.  There are  a
number  of  places  where parens are used like this in printed music.
The one case where parens won't work in ABC is  for  optional  slurs.
Writing  something  like (()ab cd) is probably not a good idea.  It's
confusing and tricky to parse.  The notation  ?(ab  cd)  would  be  a
better  way  of  saying  that  the  slur is optional.  Programs could
interpret this as is appropriate.  A formatter could generate  little
parens  around  the  slur.  A player could randomly choose whether to
honor the slur.

In most other cases that I can think of, parens in ABC would work. An
optional  chord  can be written as "(Em)", for instance, and everyone
will know what is meant.  Similarly, (.)G and (H)G  are  obvious  and
intuitive, and easy to parse.

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Re: [abcusers] Multiple bars of rest

2000-11-15 Thread jc

Eric Galluzzo writes:
|  ...  The !...! notation might be better here, since
|  that seems to be what people like  for  official  musical  directives
|  such  as  !crescendo! and !da Capo! and so on.  These are all special
|  cases. in this case, !23!z could be recognized as meaning "23 bars of
|  rest",  and  a length on the z would be unnecessary.  Similarly, it's
|  common in standard staff  notation  to  use  a  whole  rest  in  such
|  measures regardless of the actual time signature.
| Hmmm.  I don't know if I'd go for this.  Firstly, we already have !0! through !5! for
| fingering symbols, so we wouldn't be able to do !4!z (for example); and secondly, 
|this is
| a "real" notation that takes up time, not an annotation, which is what !...! notation
| seems to have been introduced for.

So where's the conflict?  The use of !3!  for  fingering  only  makes
sense  before a note, since there aren't any instruments (that I know
of) on which one "fingers" a rest.  So !23!z means "23  of  something
relevant  to rests", and the only common use of numbers with rests is
for multi-bar rests. We would probably want the restriction that this
notation is only valid if the z is the only thing in the measure.

We should perhaps note that at least some programs right now will let
you  use "17"z8 or "^17"z8 and will produce the right thing on paper.
The main reason you'd want to write this as !17!z is so that it  will
be  parsed  as  an  officially-recognized abc construct, and not just
random text.  But we don't *need* this; we  can  manage  with  quoted
text if nobody implements the !17!z notation.

I've also wondered if we could use a similar notation for the large %
that is commonly used to mean "repeat the previous chunk". This often
has a number that indicates how many measures  to  repeat.   So  !3!%
would  produce  a  measure  with  a  giant % superposed and a large 3
above, meaning to repeat the previous three measures.  I'd  bet  that
lots of musicians would consider this notation "obvious", once the !!
syntax is widespread.

| Actually, there's already !f! and !pp! and such things in the draft standard, and 
| has implemented them in abc2midi.  In fact, he's the one who originated them. :)  
| are not just random text; rather, they are well-defined (okay, somewhat-well-defined)
| musical instructions and hence go in !...! and not "...".  I think the idea is that 
| in double quotes is just unparsed text, whereas text in exclamation points is an
| instruction to the ABC program.

Indeed. This might help standardize musical terminology even more.  I
like  to  show  people  a  couple  of  Bulgarian  tune  books  in  my
collection.  They have tempo indications  such  as  "kato  rachenica"
("like a rachenica"). This is, of course, totally self-explanatory to
any Balkan musician.  But I suspect it might not be so clear to  many
other people on the planet, or to a Bulgarian musician 300 years from
now.  A metronome marking just might be useful here.

(Now if I could just get a metronome that does Balkan rhythms. ;-)

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Re: [abcusers] Multiple bars of rest

2000-11-14 Thread jc

Henning Kiel [EMAIL PROTECTED] ecrivit:
| On Tue, 14 Nov 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| | "^20"z8 |   or   | !17!z8 |
| But a midiplayer would of course not wait 17 bars...

Well, if it were combining multiple voices, I'd hope it  would.   But
when  playing just the one part, it could be rather boring.  I wonder
what MIDI users would like in this case?

| And if I write music with multiple voices the voices aren't any
| longer aligned...

Yeah; it looks like a formatter would need to understand the notation
in this case.  In the few cases where I've done multi-voice abc, I've
wanted the explicit empty bars in the abc to preserve alignment,  but
it easy to see how someone might not like this.

| So I was just talking about a feature of displaying tools, not a real
| feature of ABC.
| For a quick hack, for me the "^17"z8 would work, but not if I would
| extract my clarinet part from a whole partitur.

The traditional staff notation also qualifies as  a  "hack"  in  this
case, but it's a very useful one, at least for saving trees. I'd like
to see this sort of thing included in the list of abc annotations  on
some  approved  list.  The !...! notation might be better here, since
that seems to be what people like  for  official  musical  directives
such  as  !crescendo! and !da Capo! and so on.  These are all special
cases. in this case, !23!z could be recognized as meaning "23 bars of
rest",  and  a length on the z would be unnecessary.  Similarly, it's
common in standard staff  notation  to  use  a  whole  rest  in  such
measures regardless of the actual time signature.

| I don't know how other programs than abcm2ps handle !f! symbols
| (abc2ps doesn't), but abcm2ps prints the symbols above the music line,
| but I would like to have it below...
| Do we need a %%symbolsbelow tag here?

The favored notation seems to be "_text",  where  the  '_'  indicates
that  this  is  annotation that is to go below the staff.  One of the
things on my to-do list for my doctored abc2ps is to figure  out  how
to  get  the  text positioned correctly below the staff.  I don't yet
know enough postscript to get this right.  Getting things printed  so
they don't overlap in an unreadable fashion is a bit tricky ...

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Re: SourceForge development environment questions (was: Re: [abcusers] Questions about abcm2ps)

2000-11-01 Thread jc

Laura writes:
|  "John" == jc  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
| John I've been registered as a developer since May.  ...
| John ...  I still haven't stumbled across the info
| John on how to put things into cvs.  ...
| First, let me suggest that people who want to be developers join the
| abc-discuss list at sourceforge, so we don't have to clutter up the
| abcusers list with discussions of how to use cvs.

Well, I joined that list  some  time  back.   I  got  a  verification
message,  so  I'm probably on it.  But that's all I've ever received.
Either the list is dead or nothing is being sent to me.  I  joined  a
couple of other lists, too, and got verification messages but nothing
else has ever appeared in my mailbox from sourceforge.

| I did manage to get some stuff into cvs.  I used the documentation at
|  The two documents that
| are relevant are "Getting started with SourceForge" and the
| "SourceForge CVS howto".  I'm willing to try to remember how I did
| this if someone asks me specific questions.

That's a URL that  I'd  have  never  guessed,  and  somehow  I  never
stumbled across it in my wanderings. Given these pages, I've tried to
check in my jcabc2ps.  As often happens in the years I've been  using
cvs,  the  result  is  a real mess, which I'm trying to clean up.  It
seems to have checked in my jcabc2ps directory and everything else in
the  vicinity.   This includes several old versions of abc2ps, and at
least three versions of abcmidi.  Grrr ...

This does seem to be fairly common with cvs.  I've seen lots of users
spend  hours  or days trying to get cvs to check in only the contents
of one directory, and being baffled by what happens. The little beast
seems  to  like  to  grab  everything  in  the  parent or grandparent
directory, along with the one you want. It also seems easy to get the
sort  of stuttering that I seem to have produced, in which a checkout
produces a jcabc2ps directory, which contains a  jcabc2ps  directory,
which contains ...

I also wonder what a "vendor" is?  The  "cvs  import"  command  wants
this,  and it's mentioned in the cvs man page.  But I'm not a vendor,
and I didn't get abc2ps from any vendor, so it's not at  all  obvious
what belongs here. Or should it just be the six chars "vendor"? I did
that, and it seems to have been accepted, but it doesn't make a whole
lot of sense that "cvs import" would want these six chars.

| As far as putting stuff up at the ftp site, the person who has done
| this successfully is James Allwright.

All my attempts to connect to the  sourceforge  ftp  site  have  been
soundly  rebuffed.   Similarly  with attempts to ssh to their compile
farm machines.

Anyhow, I wonder if there's some way that I can clear  out  the  mess
that  I  seem  to  have made of my "jcabc2ps" directory and start all
over?  I've used "cvs delete" and "cvs commit", but then when I do  a
"cvs  checkout", all the stuff that I tried to delete comes back.  Is
there some admin who can just wipe it out and let me  try  again?   I
really  don't  want  three  versions  of  abcmidi  inside my jcabc2ps
directory, but I don't know how to undo the damage.

I don't seem to be finding any clues as to where on  sourceforge  one
can  ask  about dumb questions like these.  Their pages don't seem to
contain amy mailto:  links.  There are some FAQs, but they don't seem
to  explain  what  to do when a checkin is messed up.  It seems to be
another cheery case of "Don't worry your little head about it;  it'll
all work just fine." But when it doesn't work just fine, well ...

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Re: [abcusers] tall or short bar lines

2000-10-31 Thread jc

John Walsh writes:
|   While I'm at it, I think it may also be useful to have invisible
| bar lines.  These could be used in difficult cases to aid the alignment
| of notes between staves carrying different voices, or having different
| meters (in polyrhythmic music) or when there is M:none, or when for some
| other reason there were no barlines at all in one staff, as in some early
| music.  An alternative is some sort of tab stop that one can put in the
| music to align the notes.

This is implemented in abc2ps with the notation [|].   I  wonder  how
many  other  abc tools understand this?  I've used it in a few files,
since there are places where bar lines seem  to  be  required  but  I
don't want a bar showing on the printed copy.

One thing that I wondered about a while  back,  but  didn't  get  any
response from:  I've seen music that uses a "broken bar", in the form
of short vertical dashes (either between the staff lines or  crossing
them).   This  is useful, for instance, in an urtext edition in which
you'd like to cut the bars in half for  readability,  but  you  still
want to indicate which bar lines were in the original. It's also used
in Balkan and Middle Eastern music to break up long bars  in  complex
rhythms, again for readability. It seems to me that an isolated colon
not next to a bar line could very well be used for this purpose. It's
visually  the  same as the broken bar line, and doesn't seem to be in
conflict with any existing usage.

Hmmm ...  maybe I should implement it and try using it.   That  would
tell me whether there's some subtle problem with the idea.

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Re: [abcusers] Update to jaabc2ps

2000-10-31 Thread jc

|  gets() is only used in one place (in the original abc2ps code, at that).
|  Where it is used is in the interactive function and it is used to get user
|  input to select tunes.  The buffer is 500+ characters, and it's *highly*
|  unlikely that the user is going to enter more characters than that.  If
|  they should, the only thing that will happen is that the program will
|  crash.
| 1. User enters the search string by copy-and-paste
| 2. User has copied more than they think they have.
| 3. Phut.
| This ought to be fixed.

Indeed.  For example, on a lot of PCs running unices (such as linux),
if  you  have  a  2-button  mouse, there is a common problem with the
attempt at emulation of the middle button. If you click both buttons,
rather  than  getting the Button-2-down event, something happens that
tells an xterm to paste its entire history  (often  in  some  garbled
form).   You  see  the  window flash, think "Omigod" and watch as the
window scrolls insanely in response  to  the  blast  of  input  data.
Typically  the  program running there dies, and the rest of the input
goes to the shell, which valiantly attempts to interpret  the  flood.
They keep saying that it's been fixed ...

Anyhow, when cut-and-paste is  an  option,  you  shouldn't  make  any
assumptions about how fast or how long a line a "user" can "type".

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Re: [abcusers] Questions about abcm2ps

2000-10-31 Thread jc

John Atchley writes:
| Also, I'll be moving the distribution files to source forge once I figure out how to
| get sourceforge to let me do so.

Hmmm ...  So I'm not the only one with this problem.  When you figure
it  out,  how  about  you  pass  on  the  word  (or  a  URL  for  the
instructions).  It's a complex  beast  of  a  web  site.   I've  been
registered  as  a  developer  since  May.  I've periodically wandered
around to see what they have, and see what  I  can  learn.   I  still
haven't  stumbled across the info on how to put things into cvs.  Or,
rather, the instructions I've found have produced nothing  but  error
messages that don't give me any clues.

It looks like it should be really useful, if I could only figure  out
how to get it to do anything at all ...

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Re: [abcusers] free Finale

2000-10-27 Thread jc

Frank Nordberg wrote:
|  Formatting isn't important, and if we lose it, we  don't  lose  much.
|  The  important  thing  is  the  information  content.
| Yes, but in music notation it's usually impossible to draw a clear line
| between information content and formatting.

Your right there.  This was why I mentioned the proposed "^text" sort
of  extension.   But  an  even  better  example  is the fact that, in
standard staff notation, the note heads mostly  all  look  the  same.
It's  their  position  that  tells you their relative pitch and start
time.  (Though curiously, the stop time  is  indicated  differently.)
This  is  a clear case of formatting information that carries musical

This is also one of the several ways that ABC  differs  significantly
from  staff  notation,  since  ABC  uses letters rather than physical
position to indicate a note's pitch (and a number rather than a  flag
to indicate duration).

We wouldn't be able to eliminate all formatting information, for this
sort  of  reason.  And some simple formatting information is just too
useful to discard.  Thus, staff ends are useful, even  if  you  don't
play  them.   For that matter, you don't play bar lines, either; they
are primarily to make the music more readable.  Even these  could  be
eliminated without loss of much musical information content.

But the basic principle is still worth noting:  In the long run, it's
the musical information that is of most value. Formatting information
is of secondary importance, and will be routinely ignored or  changed
by  many  users anyway.  The most important topic is how we represent
the musical information.  A bit of formatting is ok, but we shouldn't
pay it much attention.

This is also similar to the text world. I've seen a number of remarks
from writers to the effect that they hate word processors, and prefer
simple text editors. Why?  Well, one journalist I heard recently just
pointed  out  that his "product" is words.  Formatting is done by the
folks in the print shop, and he is quite happy  to  let  them  handle
that  part  of  the  job.   Not that he won't discuss it with them or
criticise them at times.  But his emphasis is on writing, and all  he
wants  is  a  simple way to produce a string of words that others can
read.  Word processors are complex and distracting, and produce  text
that can only be read by a few people with the same sort of software.
Only a few experts can do much with the text.  Plain text can be sent
to  anyone,  and they can format it however they wish to make it look
nice on whatever sort of surface they are reading it from.

ABC's niche, if it has one in the long term, should be  similar.   We
should  let  the  folks  building the fancy music processing software
worry about things such as formatting.  What we should concentrate on
is  the  musical  information,  in a form that is as easy to type and
read as we can make it.  One goal should be to make it easy for other
music  software  to  read  ABC,  and  to  generate it.  Then ABC will
function as a medium of exchange between  programs  that  can't  read
each others' file formats.

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Re: [abcusers] Egregious example of line wrapping

2000-10-26 Thread jc

Phil Taylor suggested:
| Jack Campin wrote:
| BarFly is AppleScriptable, isn't it?  So, if you've got a Mac on
| your network somewhere, you should be able to tell it to:
| - open the file
| - go into split-screen mode
| - do Print Preview
| - save as PICT
| The other problem would be in figuring out how to write a CGI
| to run on a unix machine which can assemble and transmit
| AppleEvents to a remote Mac.  I'm sure it can be done, but
| I haven't a clue how.

Ah, I can see it now.  Someone asks my Tune Finder for  a  tune  that
happens  to  be in BarFly format.  So my CGI scripts, running here on
trillian, locate a nearby Mac that some poor victim is busily  using,
and  downloads  BarFly  into  it  (if  it's not already there from an
earlier request).  The victim's screen then  goes  into  split-screen
mode,  and  displays  a  page  of  music,  which is then saved on the
victim's disk, while the victim sits there wondering why the Mac  has
suddenly gone berserk. My CGI script then downloads the PICT file and
send it off to the person who asked for it.  After a while,  all  the
Macs  at  MIT  will  have their disks cluttered with these mysterious
PICT files that contain pages of music.

This would make me really popular around the campus, once they traced
these events and files back to my Tune Finder!

(Actually, I wonder if a Mac could be commandeered this way.  It does
seem to be possible with Windows, as all the recent email macro virii
have demonstrated. Can Apple have missed such a powerful feature? ;-)

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Re: [abcusers] Egregious example of line wrapping

2000-10-23 Thread jc

| Jack Campin wrote:
|   many people who use JC's Tune Finder will just want the gif or midi
|   as they wouldn't know what to do with the abc.  For such a user, an
|   automatic fixer would be an improvement even if it only worked for
|   some of the tunes.
|   Perhaps the best of all solutions would be to detect the bad tunes
|   and notify their owners so the problem can be fixed at source.
|  AAARGH!!!  if some piece of software out there was going to niggle me
|  about every ABC tune I've been responsible for that it couldn't handle
|  I'd pull the whole damn lot off the Internet.

Frank Nordberg replied:
| Don't worry Jack, it ain't gonna happen.

You're right.  In fact, I've thought about the making my Tune  Finder
make  a  guess  at  the email address.  You might be surprised at how
feasible it is.  However, an automatic message strikes me as  a  very
bad idea.  It's not quite spam, but it's a related concept.  If I did
it, what I'd do is (as someone has already suggested) have  the  tune
extraction code generate a page describing the problems and supplying
the requestor with a link to the error log and an email address. They
could  do with this as they wish.  It would then take human action to
send email, and nobody would be flooded with machine-generated  email

But I've only thought about this; I'm not sure I even want  to  spend
any  time  implementing  it.  There are more important things in this
world to waste time on.  Playing music is one.

| But you've got a point. I have myself posted about a hundred piano
| pieces in "BarFly ABC", simply because there's no way abc2ps can render
| those pieces properly. I would just hate having my e mail inbox filled
| up with "error messages".

This is a major reason why an automatic message is a bad  idea.   The
fact is that abc has developed several branches for different sets of
users.  This is both a good and bad thing.  It's good because it is a
force  for making ABC into a more capable notation.  It's bad because
it produces incompatible ABC.  This is another way that ABC  is  like
traditional  staff  notation.   I  personally  hope  the process will
continue, with people pushing for new features and for compatibility.

As the owner of a somewhat significant ABC web site, the problem that
I'm  trying  to  get  people  talking about is that my Tune Finder is
often asked for tunes that have ABC that's not  compatible  with  the
tools  that  my  site  uses.  Barfly extensions are a good example of
this.  I can't very well adopt Barfly as  one  of  my  site's  tools,
because  it  is  a  GUI tool, and those don't work all that well when
called by CGI scripts.  It's inevitable that people  working  on  GUI
tools  will  do  things  a lot differently than people working on CGI
scripts.  My concern  in  this  case  would  be  how  to  detect  the
incompatibilities  and "correct" them so that my tools can handle the
ABC sensibly.

However, the example that I presented was not one  using  extensions.
It  was  one that had been badly damaged, probably by email software,
and probably not with the owner's knowledge.  This sort of damage  is
quite common. I doubt that any ABC users will defend it. The question
is how to recover from it gracefully. In this example, what comes out
in  the  PS  or  GIF  or  MIDI is garbage, and is not at all what was
intended.  I'd guess that the owners of such files would be happy  to
get one or two messages describing the problem.  If you put a tune on
the web, presumably you intend that others download it  and  use  it.
Damage  like  this  will  turn the tune into garbage for a great many
users, and I'd guess that most people would quickly fix such problems
when someone points it out.

Meanwhile, users of the Tune Finder have a problem that I get a  fair
amount  of  email about.  Many of those users don't have a clue as to
what has gone wrong.  They just see music that is bizarre and clearly
has  something  badly wrong.  Many of the users don't stand much of a
chance of fixing it themselves. It does seem to me that a lot of this
sort of damage (and some extensions) can be fixed in most cases.  The
problem is how to successfully recognize just the damaged ABC and not
correct things that don't need correcting.  Fixing extensions that my
tools don't recognize is a minor problem.  Both abc2ps  and  abc2midi
tend to "pseudo-recognize" extensions by ignoring them, which is good
enough in most cases.

Perhaps the idea of presenting users with a special  page  that  says
"This  file  appears to be seriously damaged somehow" and giving them
pointers or a menu of things to do about it might be the best way  to
deal with it.

Such special pages might be a good idea in general.  It would be nice
if  users  could  get at the options for abc2ps and abc2midi, and the
only way to do this from a browser is via web pages that present  the
options,  let  you  choose  what you want, and then you push a Submit
button to 

Re: [abcusers] Is there a Tex style backslash character for non-breaking space?

2000-10-18 Thread jc

Phil Taylor  asks:
| I have a plea from a BarFly user who is transcribing Polish hymns, and
| he needs a way to place two words on one note.  Now he can do it using
| the Mac's non-breaking space (option-space), but would prefer a more
| portable method, since that character is not necessarily an NBS on
| other platforms.

If you're using the w:  lines, abc2ps and some other tools use the  ~
(tilde)  character  as a "space treated as a letter".  Its use is for
putting more than one word on a single note.

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Re: [abcusers] Re: Fortune My Foe V:?

2000-10-17 Thread jc

| As a matter of interest, which packages are happy with the V: commands?
| Just the other day someone was pointing out that they are not in the
| standard.
| To start the ball rolling, Muse found no problem with them.

Well, abc2ps has had them for some time now.  But I think  there  are
still some incompatibilities in how V: is implemented. In fact, maybe
it's time for another raging discussion of the issue ...

[Troll, troll ...]

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Re: [abcusers] Re: O'Neill errors

2000-10-11 Thread jc

|  What sort of a scale would use  ^G_A^B?
| _E^F_B or _E^F_B^C definitely make sense (tonic is D).

Yup; I use both of those.  However,  the  first  corresponds  to  two
different scales that are common in the Balkans, with tonics C and D.
The second I only know with a tonic of D, though I  wouldn't  be  too
surprised to hear that it could also have A as the tonic.  That seems
like a reasonable scale to me; I just don't happen to know any  music
that uses it.

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Re: [abcusers] Re: O'Neill errors

2000-10-10 Thread jc

John Henckel remarked:

| I don't think the abc standard should allow K:^g _a ^b

I.e., you don't think ABC should be used  to  transcribe  music  that
uses  scales other than the classical western-European modes.  Or, if
people insist on doing such a thing, they should be forced to  use  a
classical key signature and clutter the music with accidentals to get
it into the right scale.

But I am curious:  What sort of a scale would use  ^G_A^B?   I  don't
think  I've  ever heard such a scale.  Presumably the ^G and _A would
have slightly different (microtonal) intonation. The huge gap from _A
to  ^B  makes it look like some sort of pentatonic scale.  What's the
tonic (if there is one)?

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Re: [abcusers] Re: O'Neill errors

2000-10-09 Thread jc

John Walsh wrote:
| Frank Nordberg wrote:
|  A problem with the O'Neill tunes is that many of them doesn't
|  seem to have a clearly defined tonal centre at all.
|   Ah, that's interesting.  I think it's one of the great interests
| of the tunes, rather than a problem, but of course Frank's talking about
| notational questions, not musical interest here.

It's interesting, but as for it being a problem,  I'd  say  that  the
current buzz phrase "Deal with it!" applies.  Traditional Irish music
has a lot of examples of tunes without a clear tonal center.  Usually
the  feel is as if the tune were "wavering" between two (or sometimes
three) tonal centers, with none the main center.  It can't be  fixed;
it's  part of the style.  The tunes like this aren't the "norm"; they
are a minority.  But they are definitely part of  the  tradition  and
something  that  you  need  to be familiar with if you want to really
understand the style. This can bother people coming from other styles
that always have clear tonal centers. It is a minor problem with ABC,
which wants you to specify a tonic note.  So you just pick one of the
likely tonics, and tell yourself that it's not a major sin.

One of my favorite examples is the well-known Blarney Pilgrim. I just
checked  with  my tune finder, and there are 35 instances on the Web.
About 2/3 are in G; the other 1/3 are in Dmix.  The  tune  is  highly
ambiguous about which is the tonic center.  I've found that, although
it can be harmonized with chords, I like it better with just a  quiet
drone,  and the drone note should be D.  But this doesn't mean that D
is the tonic, because a drone on the 5th is quite normal in Irish and
Scottish music.  The tune is almost pentatonic, but there are a few C
naturals.  To most ears, this would put it in G major,  but  to  ears
attuned to the Mixolydian scale would make it Dmix. And the fact that
it starts and ends on the low D is probably a  point  of  tension  to
many ears ("It's not resolved"), but a perfectly satisfying ending to
ears attuned to this style of music.

| and I realize I am in the minority on this, but I continue to feel
| that the K: field should describe the number of sharps or flats
| without naming a tonic and/or a mode.
|  Well, if you'll amend that to "...the K: field should *be able* to
| describe the number of sharps or flats without naming a tonic and/or mode"
| you might not be in the minority. At least you wouldn't be alone, for I'd
| agree. But I think it should also be able to describe the tonic and/or
| mode, along with a quite few other possibilities.

Agreed.  This is what I've done with my doctored abc2ps that  accepts
the extended syntax
As a computerized music notation, one of the nice things about ABC is
that it allows you to state the tonic and mode, unlike standard staff
notation.   This is useful for searches, especially when transcribers
get it right.  But it's more limiting than
This should be allowed, for various reasons.  Frank has  pointed  out
one  of  the  musical  reasons:  There are musical styles that lack a
clear tonic.  For such music, requiring a tonic is inappropriate  and
misleading, and leads to "false positives" in searches.

This is a different argument from the usual one based on  transcriber
ignorance:   It's better to see just K:^f than, for example, K:G when
the correct key is K:Em or K:Adorian or K:Dmix.  K:^f  is  a  way  of
saying  "I  don't  know  what  the tonic is, but the f's are (mostly)
sharp.  With Irish music, you do see cases where what you'd  like  to
say  is  "Well, all the f's are sharp, but it's not clear whether the
tonic is G or D, and a few bars seems to have A as the tonic center."
I doubt that we'd want to have an explicit ABC notation for this.

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Re: [abcusers] Is anything missing?

2000-10-03 Thread jc

James Allwright writes:
| On Mon 02 Oct 2000 at 01:05PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
|  It did come up with somewhat fewer total tunes  than  before,  though
|  the  number  isn't  very  different.   The main loss seems to be that
| has gone away, and  its  1077  tunes  are  also
|  gone. It seems to have gotten flakey some time back, with no response
|  in most attempts.  Anyone know what happened to it?
| perun does seem to be down  a lot. However, I've moved all the tunes to
| the ABC project website at sourceforge, so everything can be accessed
| from there.

A quick check shows that the ABC search bot found around  a  thousand
titles  in,  which is the Nottingham
database.  Somewhat fewer titles actually (940  vs  1077)  than  were
found  on perun, but this could be simply from different organization
that removed duplicates.  I wonder if there are any other  ABC  files
lying about on sourceforge?

Maybe I should get serious  about  joining  in  there.   Among  other
things, I've got a flock of test files, mostly not very musical, that
could be useful for such an effort.  And there doesn't seem to  be  a
clone of abc2ps there yet.

My searcher has found a number of what are obviously ABC test  files,
my own and others'.  This is an interesting borderline case.  Most of
them  are  not  really  "music",  and  of  little  interest  to  most
musicians.  On the other hand, it would be useful if developers could
find them quickly.  Maybe we could establish a convention  that  such
files have their first T: line start with "T: TEST:", all upper case,
so that they stand out clearly as test files.  I think I'll to change
all mine to do this.

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Re: [abcusers] O'Neill's 1001

2000-10-02 Thread jc

|  Frank Nordberg wrote:
|   In case somebody wonder why I've been so quiet recently:
|   I've just finished the first half of my own private O'Neill project.
|   The first 500 tunes from Francis O'Neill: "The Dance Music of
|   Ireland" (known as "O'Neill's 1001") is now available as ABC at:
|  Dzjeez, what kind of a job do you have that leaves you with so much free
|  time? I can't even find the time to transcribe the odd one hundred tunes
|  I'd like to put on-line...

Meanwhile,  I  told  my  ABC  bot  about  Henrik's  .../abc/abcusers/
directory  and  about  the  above  URL,  and the number of ABC titles
listed for nearly doubled.  The  reason  that  the
abcusers/  directory hadn't been scanned was that it was too far from
my starting URL.  I've found that it's a good idea to limit the depth
of  Web  searches  to 3 hops, to avoid trying to search the whole Web
for ABC. This isn't very productive; having other people spot new ABC
sites  and  tell  me  about  them  is  far  more  practical.  And the doesn't seem to be pointed to by an link, so it
would have never been found.

I've wondered about O'Neill's 1001 myself; it's nice to  see  someone
so masochistic as to take it on. But I wonder about putting it all in
one huge file.  This will lead to a lot of slow downloads for  people
just looking for a tune or three.

So when does the Svenska Laatar Project begin?  (How many volumes  of
that were there?)

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[abcusers] Is anything missing?

2000-10-02 Thread jc

Henrik said:
 In case somebody wonder why I've been so quiet recently:

I've been a bit quiet, too, in part because of a bit of reprogramming
of my ABC search bot. I thought I'd mention it now because I just ran
a full search, and thought people might like to check  with  my  tune
finder  ( and see
if any of your tunes are missing.

The reason for this is something that I'd sorta been wondering  about
since  I  started hearing, a few months ago, about a new breed of web
search program.  The problem was all the "hidden" web pages that  are
not  on  disk as files, but are generated on the fly by programs.  It
seems that the big search sites are developing tools to extract these
"hidden pages" and index them.

When I first heard this, my thought was "Uh, oh ..."  Last  week,  my
fears came true. A couple of search programs learned how to invoke my
tune finder's scripts and the resulting pages  with  their  links  to
scripts that convert ABC to PS, GIF, PNG, MIDI and other formats. One
little monster was systematically asking for every  ABC  tune  in  my
indexes,  in every format that my scripts know how to return.  And it
was asking in parallel from  a  large  set  of  machines.   It  drove
trillian's  load  average  up to 25, filled the disk with temp files,
and brought everything to a halt.

Luckily the folks who run trillian, at MIT's EE Dept, have a bit of a
sense of humor.  I actually spotted the disaster before they did, and
they had email from me waiting  for  them.   I  added  a  "blacklist"
feature  to  my  scripts  that  knows  the  IP addresses of the worst
culprits and won't talk to them.  Meanwhile, I've been put in  charge
of  trillian's robots.txt file, and all the other search bots seem to
have been scared away from my own music stuff for the present.

My tune finder was a zombie for a day or so, but it has recovered. My
own  search program now follows a somewhat more complex strategy:  It
looks for and parses robots.txt files, and mostly obeys  them.   This
has cut its search time in half, actually. But it also compares a URL
with its explicit list of "allows" URLs, i.e., its list  of  starting
URLs,  and searches them even if the machine's global robots.txt file
says not to.  This is necessary so that it  can  search  my  own  ABC
files,  which  are  now  off limits to searchers.  It should find ABC
files if they're below a URL in my starting list, even if the machine
as a robots.txt file.

It did come up with somewhat fewer total tunes  than  before,  though
the  number  isn't  very  different.   The main loss seems to be that has gone away, and  its  1077  tunes  are  also
gone. It seems to have gotten flakey some time back, with no response
in most attempts.  Anyone know what happened to it?

Aside from that, there were losses of 1 or 2 ABC files on a number of
other sites, but no single huge losses. You might check to see if any
of your tunes are missing.

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Re: [abcusers] New Orleans Jazz

2000-09-28 Thread jc

Atte Andr=E9 Jensen writes:

|   Y'know, I've gotten a number of email messages  from  jazz  musicians
|   wondering  the  same  thing.   ...
|  And one of them is me! What stalled me is the issue of copyright. I would
|  not have an official collection of abc's on my sitespace without that in
|  place.=20

My experience so far says that this may not be that big a deal.  Make
sure  that  your main page has a notice to the effect that you aren't
sure of the copyright status of a lot of the tunes,  and  anyone  who
knows should send you email. Also say that if a tune's rightful owner
objects to it being there, you will remove it and replace it  with  a
copyright notice.  And, most important, say that an alternative is to
add a copyright notice, email address and URL to the ABC  headers  if
they prefer.

In my various email contacts with tune writers, so far I've had  only
one  who  didn't  want  their tune in ABC on my site.  What typically
happens is that they don't have a clue about ABC.  So I send them  my
brief intro, and also a copy of their tune in ABC. I ask them to edit
it, and to suggest the copyright notice, email address and URL they'd
like  to  see  in  it.   They  invariably  send  it  back  with  this
information. I think that most people realize pretty quickly that the
ABC  file is not really much of a competition for a printed copy, and
is no competition at all for any recordings.  They also realize  that
having  their  email address and URL in the file is free advertising.
It is that, but it's also attribution that I like to see  in  all  my
ABC files.

I'd bet that the composers of jazz tunes will mostly respond the same
way.  Be prepared to send them a brief intro to ABC.  I have a couple
You can copy them, and modify them however you like, maybe  with  one
of the jazz standards as the example.

Chances are that you'll also be asked to remove one or two tunes, but
if  you're  prepared  for  that  and  have  a friendly notice to that
effect, you probably don't have any real legal worries.

And the few who don't give you permission are probably hurting  their
own pocketbooks.  I've received a fair number of requests for printed
copies of the tunes in my collection.   I'd  guess  that  Henrik  and
Richard  and  the  owners  of  other  large  ABC  sites also get such
requests.  So far, I've said "No" and referred people to some of  the
music  publishers and book sellers.  Ultimately, online stuff doesn't
really hurt sales of printed  copies,  because  books  are  just  too
convenient (as long as they open flat on a music stand ;-).

The main thing that online archives do is make it easier  for  people
to find what they want. A guaranteed reaction to finding tunes online
is "I like these tunes; where can I find more like  them?"  If  there
are  links  that lead to the printed copies of tune collections, they
will also lead to sales.  You want to educate the publishers to this,
as subtly as you can.

So my advice is to put what you have online now. And send me the URL.
Or  post  it  to this list and any other relevant lists that you know
of, with maybe a hint that you'd like to find others to help with the
online jazz fake-book project. And collect URLs for online sellers of
the printed fakebooks.  If they give you any hassle,  just  let  them
know  that  if  you can't include a few of their tunes, you will also
remove the link to their site.

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Re: [abcusers] Musicator2abc-conversion

2000-09-28 Thread jc

S=F8ren writes:
|  I have about 450 Musicator-files (.mct) with scandinavian folktunes which=
|   I
|  would like to convert to abc-format for web-distribution. They are
|  currently distributed as GIF-files (check:
| which are OK f=
|  or
|  screen-presentation, but to lousy and unpractical for print, I think.
|  Conversion via MIDI is very tidy (means not practical possible) since all
|  notation layout is lost.
|  Does anyone know about conversion-tools - or does anyone know about
|  Musicator-file-format ?

Got a pointer to a spec?  If Musicator files  are  text  files,  it's
likely  that I or someone else could grind out a perl program to chew
it up and spit out ABC.  It would also be helpful if you could give a
URL for a directory of files in Musicator format.  Then we could look
them over and decide whether we want to tackle the translation.

(Or maybe I could use this as the excuse I've been looking for to get
some more experience with python. ;-)

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Re: [abcusers] New Orleans Jazz

2000-09-26 Thread jc

Derek Lane-Smith wrote:
|  It seems to me that abc is an ideal format for building a library of New
|  Orleans Jazz standards.  Does anyone know of such a database?  Or of one in
|  some other format that is accessible, and that can be converted to abc?

Y'know, I've gotten a number of email messages  from  jazz  musicians
wondering  the  same  thing.   What I tell them is that I agree; jazz
musicians usually like fake books, and abc is a good tool  for  that.
With the w:  lines, it's nearly ideal.  I also tell them that I don't
know of any abc jazz sites, this is an ideal opportunity for them  to
be pioneers and start one, and they should send me the URL as soon as
they have a few tunes online.  So far I haven't heard back from them.

So how'd you like to be the pioneer?  Pick a dozen or  so  standards,
type them up, and send me the URL.

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Re: [abcusers] ABCchecker

2000-09-22 Thread jc

|  There are several ABC programs that do support multiple voices - I though=
|  t
|  that there was a list of these somewhere but I can't find it. maybe I've
|  missed it. John Chambers' FAQ (
| ) includes a number of
|  lists of which programs support which features, but I don't see a list of
|  programs supporting V in there.

Hmmm ... Maybe we should get together a list.  Anyone want to volunteer info
on specific programs they're using, and whether (or how well) V: is handled?

|  A little more digging around reveals the following list of programs, whic=
|  h
|  also includes some information about features they handle:

Jeez; I thought I deleted that one; it's gotta be really out of date. ;-)

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Re: [abcusers] V:

2000-09-22 Thread jc

|  Muse has handled V: for long enough that I've forgotten how long
|  ago I did it.

Memory getting weak in old age, eh?

Anyhow, this reminds me of something that I started  some  time  back
and haven't collected much data for:

The Muse entry for V: lines has been duly changed to "Yes".  There is
also the question about which of the various proposed forms of the V:
lines are supported.  My table currently lists  only  the  name=  and
clef=  fields.   Maybe I should try to dig up a list of all that have
been proposed and/or implemented and add them to the table.

Another question: How many branches to abc2ps are there now? I'd like
to  know about any that are available on the Net, and the best URL to
download them from.

Then there's the problem of putting such a spreadsheet up  on  a  web
page.  It might get rather wide ...

Modern GUIs are very well designed, for people with three hands. The
real problem has been how slow customers have been to make necessary
hardware upgrades to meet the requirements of the software.
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Re: [abcusers] Re: Removing gracenote ties for bagpipe notation

2000-09-13 Thread jc

Eric Mrozek writes:
|   I'm using abc2ps/Ghostscript to print bagpipe music and would 
|   appreciate information on how to remove the curved tie 
|   between the grace-notes and the melody notes.  Jackson.
|  The last I knew there was no command line option to turn off 
|  ties on grace notes. My bagpipe variant of abc2ps, available
|  at,
|  will turn off grace note ties if the tune header contains a
|  line (which sets the "key" to "highland bagpipe"). Fortunately
|  for your purposes it also removes the key signature, forces
|  all the main notes to be stem-down and all grace notes to be
|  stem-up, and prints straight flags instead of curved flags
|  (common conventions for printed bagpipe music).
|  For those who aren't interested in bagpipe notation, you 
|  can always contact the authors Michael Methfessel (abc2ps) 
|  or Jean-Francois Moine (abcm2ps) and ask them for specific features 
|  or options. 

Or contact me.  ;-) It seems that abc2ps is going through the process
of  branching,  to  solve the problems of various users who can't get
their music notated properly using the original.   This  is  somewhat
inevitable,  of  course, and isn't really a criticism of the original
program so much as a comment on how useful it really was despite  its

Anyhow, I've also gotten a bit frustrated  with  the  limitations  on
grace  notes,  including  the  spurious slurs.  I've been thinking of
getting rid of this misfeature.  Actually, what I'd  do  is  make  it
optional,  with the option defaulting to off.  So, for the benefit of
those working on their own branches of abc2ps, maybe we could  get  a
few pointers to just what chunk(s) of the code need to be modified to
suppress these slurs on grace notes.

If not, maybe I'll try to find time to dig in and fix it myself.  And
maybe relax a few of the other "rules" for grace notes.  For example,
I have several cases where I really need a grace note at the end of a
main note. With abc2ps, you can only get this if there's another note
afterward; you can't get it before a bar line.  And, of course,  it's
slurred to the next note, not to the preceding note.

And while I'm at it, I may try to figure out  why  abc2ps  won't  put
things like fermatas over bar lines ...

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Re: [abcusers] Auto harmonization

2000-09-01 Thread jc

Frank Nordberg writes:
|  ABCTwin is a program for automatically creating two and three part
|  harmonisations of ABC files. It can be downloaded (just 48 KB) at:

Thanks, Frank.  I fed that URL to my tune finder, and there  are  now
166 new titles in the index.  They have quite a number of examples of
ABCTwin's output on their site.  The harmonies are rather stereotyped
and  boring,  of course, but are probably quite useful for people who
want to learn how to do such things.

|  Unfortunately it's Windows only. Anybody got similar ideas for other platforms?

I have an even dumber tool that I've used, which simply replicates  a
melody  line N notes higher or lower, using [...] to get the harmony.
I wouldn't really consider offering it to the public, because it's so
basic and invariably needs some editing.  I mostly use it from within
the vi editor to cut out a few measures and add a  basic  harmony  in
3rds or 6ths, which I then tweak with a bit more editing.

I've been thinking of experimenting  with  more  complexity,  though.
Thus,  in  the Balkan music that I play, there's a substyle that uses
very closely coupled harmonies, mostly thirds, but 4ths and  5ths  at
some  spots.   The  style  has  very stereotyped rules, and I've been
thinking that I could probably program it to know the exceptions from
the 3rds.

Also, I'd consider this an example of why it's difficult to design  a
general program for harmonies. This style is a "parallel thirds" sort
of harmony, but some of its details are different from other  similar
harmonies.  A decent program to generate harmonies would need to have
a lot of options to tell it what style you want. And its output would
still get sneers from most Real Musicians who know the style.

But such a program could be very useful as an educational tool.

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