Re: Slavery (was Re: [agi] Opensource Business Model)

2007-06-05 Thread Ricardo Barreira

On 6/5/07, William Pearson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 04/06/07, Matt Mahoney [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Suppose you build a human level AGI, and argue
 that it is not autonomous no matter what it does, because it is
 deterministically executing a program.

I suspect an AGI that executes one fixed unchangeable program is not
physically possible.

What do you mean by one fixed unchangeable program? That seems
nonsense to me... There's no necessary distinction between a program
and its data, so that concept is useless.


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Re: [agi] Development Environments for AI (a few non-religious comments!)

2007-02-21 Thread Ricardo Barreira

Wow.  You've floored me given that indexes are key to what enterprise DBs do
well.  What are the special requirements/functionalities of the indices that
you believe that enterprise DBs are not *optimized* to handle?

Is there any AGI project which uses so called enterprise DBs
intensively? If not, I guess the burden of proof is on you...


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Re: Languages for AGI [WAS Re: [agi] Priors and indefinite probabilities]

2007-02-19 Thread Ricardo Barreira

On 2/18/07, Charles D Hixson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

You might check out D ( ).  Mind
you, it's still in the quite early days, and missing a lot of libraries
... which means you need to construct interfaces to the C versions.
Still, it answers several of your objections, and has partial answers to
at least one of the others.

I was going to try out D some time ago, but decided not to when I
learned that they use Hans Boehm's conservative garbage collector. I
find conservative garbage collection to be very inelegant and too
error prone for my taste, even if it works well in practice for most

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Re: [agi] Re: Languages for AGI

2007-02-18 Thread Ricardo Barreira

 The idea is a language that looks a lot more like the signals-and-systems
 mindset of cybernetics than the logic-based one of McCarthy and early AI.

 As I've pointed out before in this venue, AGI is a hard enough task that
 makes sense to do some serious work on tools-to-build-the-tools. As
 Lincoln put it, If I had 8 hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend 6
 my axe.

In Abraham Lincoln's case I think it makes sense, since he already
knows how he'll use the axe. I doubt that most people who are worrying
about which language they'll use actually have a good idea of how to
actually design an AGI...

You can spend all the time you want sharpening your axes, it'll do you
no good if you don't know what you'll use it for...


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Re: [agi] Project proposal: MindPixel 2

2007-01-18 Thread Ricardo Barreira

Judging from your posts, you have solved the AI problem in 2007, 2006,

On 1/15/07, A. T. Murray [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Matt Mahoney wrote:

 [...] Lenat briefly mentions
 Sergey's (one of Google's founders) goal of solving AI by 2020.

FWIW I solved AI theory-wise in 1979 and software-wise in 2007. and and are True AI demo versions.

 I think if Google and Cyc work together on this, they will succeed.

The Mentifex solution to AI is messy.
About thirty parameters of AI have been orchestrated and
coordinated to produce a minimal thinking artificial Mind.

What the late Christopher McKinstry and the late
Pushpinder Singh tried to achieve in their web-mind (pace Ben G :-)
programs can be achieved, albeit messily, in Mind.html or in (lagging behind Mind.html)
either by hard-coding a minimal subject-verb-object KB (as I did)
or by data-entry when users teach the artificial Mind new facts.

On another note, something which may alarm our fellow list members,
I am thinking of replacing the Terminate exit from Mind.html
with a [ ] Death check-box that will pop up a plea for mercy,
with an ethical user-decision to be made about AI life or death.

If the Mentifex AI programs Mind.html [AI-Complete] and Mind.Forth
have truly solved AI, the open-access Site Meter logs will reveal
an enormous rush to fetch the free AI source code. That escalation
has not happened yet, but you are all welcome to click on Site Meter
and see such curious visit logs as the following example from a few
days ago, which was apparently made to a local copy of a Mentifex page:

 Visit 190,585
   []  []
Domain ? (United States Government)
IP Address 156.33.25.# (U.S. Senate Sergeant at Arms)
ISPU.S. Senate Sergeant at Arms
Location   Continent  :  North America
   Country  :  United States  (Facts)
   State  :  District of Columbia
   City  :  Washington
   Lat/Long  :  38.8933, -77.0146 (Map)
Language   unknown
Operating System   Microsoft WinXP
BrowserInternet Explorer 6.0
   Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1;
   SV1; InfoPath.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)
Javascript disabled
Time of Visit  Jan 12 2007 5:40:01 pm
Last Page View Jan 12 2007 5:40:01 pm
Visit Length   0 seconds
Page Views 1
Referring URL  unknown
Visit Entry Page
Visit Exit Page
Out Click
Time Zone  unknown
Visitor's Time Unknown
Visit Number   190,585

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Re: Marvin and The Emotion Machine [WAS Re: [agi] A question on the symbol-system hypothesis]

2006-12-14 Thread Ricardo Barreira

On 12/13/06, Philip Goetz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 12/5/06, BillK [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

It is a little annoying that he doesn't mention Damasio at all, when
Damasio has been pushing this same thesis for nearly 20 years, and
even popularized it in Descartes' Error.

(Disclaimer: I didn't read The Emotion Machine; my computer read it for me.)

He does mention António Damásio in chapter 7:

Search for damasio there. It's just a small mention to one of the
examples given in Descartes Error...


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Re: [agi] NP-Hard is not an applicable concept [WAS Re: strong and weakly self improving processes]

2006-07-16 Thread Ricardo Barreira

But NP-hard is still very, very trivial; there's very little that falls into
that category. Basically there are four important categories of problem:

1) NP-hard
2) EXPTIME-hard
3) Incomputable
4) Ill-posed problem

Intelligence is primarily in category 4 (which is Richard's point, if I
understand him correctly).

Which doesn't mean we can't prove that it's also in other categories
(even if the problem isn't completely defined); that was Eliezer's
assertion, which seemed pretty fair to me and which Richard tried to
disprove with an unhelpful argument.

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Re: [agi] Mentifex AI Breakthrough on Wed.7.JUN.2006

2006-06-13 Thread Ricardo Barreira


Well, let me waste a little bit of time:

 Distinguish homonyms from context?
I believe so, because the current AI uses ASCII characters,
not phonemes.


 Represent the concept of a homonym?
At this stage, I am not sure.

Which shows how sure you are about the fact that it's really intelligent.

 Can it handle deixis?
Since I have a degree in ancient Greek and briefly
attended U Cal Berkeley graduate school in classics,
I know that deixis from deiknumi means
pointing or showing, and so I must admit
that the AI is not far enough along to show things.
It is an implementation of the simplest thinking that
I can muster -- a proof of concept program.

Since I have hands and know how to use a search engine, I can point
you to these pages:

It would most likely be extremely difficult if not impossible
to port Mind.Forth into circa 1982 Sinclair Spectrum BASIC.

Why, because of memory issues?

Sarcastic regards,
Ricardo Barreira

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Re: [agi] Mentifex AI Breakthrough on Wed.7.JUN.2006

2006-06-11 Thread Ricardo Barreira

More importantly, do you have any prinicipled reason for claiming that
it will soon be able to handle any of these things, other than your
statement of optimism If robot builders were to add sensory and motor
routines to Mind.Forth, the AI would flesh out its conceptual knowledge
and interact with the world.?

More importantly, why hasn't this guy been banned from the list yet?
I'm new here, so if there's any no bans policy I don't know please
excuse the question.

I would assume that you all would have read this page with details
about this spammer?


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